OpenLink Virtuoso
High-Performance, Scalable, Secure, and Modern platform for Native Data Management, Data Integration, and HTTP Application Deployment. This cross-platofrm solution uniquely handles challenges such as: multi-model data representation (SQL Tables and RDF Property Graphs), distributed identity management, heterogeneous data virtualization, linked open data deployment, and data transformation across a wide variety of open data formats (JSON, JSON-LD, XML, CSV, RDF-XML, RDF-Turtle, OData, Atom etc.)
OpenLink Virtuoso
High-Performance, Scalable, Secure, and Modern platform for Native Data Management, Data Integration, and HTTP Application Deployment. This cross-platofrm solution uniquely handles challenges such as: multi-model data representation (SQL Tables and RDF Property Graphs), distributed identity management, heterogeneous data virtualization, linked open data deployment, and data transformation across a wide variety of open data formats (JSON, JSON-LD, XML, CSV, RDF-XML, RDF-Turtle, OData, Atom etc.)
Virtuoso Architecture
Combined SQL and SPARQL Access via ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, and HTTP
Unique support for both SQL and SPARQL that provides secure and high-performance access to existing ODBC, JDBC, or ADO.NET compliant applications and services.
Unique HyperData Context Lenses
Illustrating how Virtuoso leverages Entity Relationship Graphs for optimized query solution production (across local and external data sources) in conjunction with the use of Tables for optimized data-presentation centric interactions.