WorkSafe - Whakaari/White Island prosecutions
This time last year many people were expressing strongly-held views about the tragedy that unfolded at Whakaari/White Island as the result of an eruption.
As a result, there will likely be a range of views about the announcement by WorkSafe, yesterday, that it had filed charges against 13 parties in relation to this tragic event.
The conduct of the prosecution is likely to provide further learnings for businesses (and Boards) about their due diligence obligations – for the business to meet its H & S[1] obligations.
Already, the WorkSafe press statement has set the scene for company directors, by noting that:
“…[the eruption] was an unexpected event, but that does not mean it was unforeseeable and [as a result] there is a duty on [business] operators to protect those in their care.”
For more information, please see:
[1] Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.