What's GoalBlocking You?

What's that you say? You don't have goals? For shame! Most people think they have goals, but really don't. They have dreams, daydreams, or fantasies. This isn't about how to set goals--there are plenty of places to tell you that. This is about:

·        The difference between goals and dreams/daydreams/fantasies

·        The impact of having clearly defined goals

·        The importance of your attitude

What is a goal? A clearly defined objective. Something to strive for, and the more lofty the goal, the greater the sense of accomplishment when it’s achieved. For a person recovering from an illness, “getting out of bed” might be a huge goal. For someone else, who pops out of bed like a piece of toast, eager to conquer the day, climbing Mt. Everest might be a huge goal. But, in both cases, they have a clearly defined objective which they will be able to recognize when it’s accomplished. Additionally, being so clear, they can hold it in mind, focus on it, and direct actions toward it.

Fantasies are imaginary conditions in which we might like to see ourselves, but know they are not realistic, not real, not possible. Within ourselves, we are absolutely clear that fantasies are something we will never strive toward, never achieve. Fantasies can be quite engaging. We can lose ourselves in fantasies and be quite happy in the imagining. The challenge is to not get lost in fantasies. Daydreams are much the same, except perhaps less engaging—something we find our minds following briefly, distracting us momentarily. But, from daydreams, we come back to the moment relatively quickly. Dreams, on the other hand, can be a bridge between fantasy and reality—or a goal. I’ve heard it said that “if the dream is big enough, the facts don’t count.” A dream, when it becomes a goal, leaves the realm of unreality and will generate an action plan.

If you don't know where you're going, how will you know when you get there? Clearly defined goals are essential to developing a plan of action, and action plans help define your moment-to-moment, and day-to-day activities. According to Brian Tracy, the renowned motivational speaker and trainer, "It takes only about 10 to 12 minutes for you to plan out your day, but this small investment of time will save you up to two hours (100 to 120 minutes) in wasted time and diffused effort through the day." [i]

Napoleon Hill in Think and Grow Rich, one of the greatest books ever written on the subject of goals, said that when you set a goal, focus on the goal, develop an action plan, and start working it, unseen forces come to your aid. Call it Divine Intervention, the Law of Attraction, or whatever you want, turning a dream into a goal into an action plan and then working the plan can shave off more than the two hours a day that Brian Tracy talked about.

A former boss of mine said that during her formative years, her mentor, a very successful and very wealthy man had a technique he used and taught her. One day she noticed him opening a desk drawer and simply staring into the drawer for several minutes. Curious, she asked him what he was doing. He reached into the drawer and pulled out a simple sticky note. On the note was a list of initials, numbered 1 through 10. “These initials represent major goals—projects—I’m working on. I take a few minutes, several times a day, individually visualizing each project as complete. I also ask, ‘what can I do right now to move this project along?’”

The difference between the visualization occurring during a fantasy or daydream and goal visualization is dramatic. In the case of the former two, there is no focus and thus, no connection to the creative powers of the universe. In the case of the latter, tightly focused attention to a specific visualization/goal combined with an action plan provide the universe with clear direction coupled with your strength of will toward accomplishment.

Finally, attitude. A defeatist attitude is that state of mind which believes every obstacle is insurmountable. A winner, warrior, or conqueror attitude recognizes that obstacles are only the things we see when we take our eyes off our goals.[ii] So, choose from your dreams which one(s) can become goals and convert them. From your goals, choose the top two or three (or ten); create action plans and get started. Focus on them on a daily (or several times a daily) basis and make them into reality. And, remember, obstacles are only as big or important as you let them be.

[i] Tracy, Brian (2018). Plan Ahead and Increase Productivity. Retrieved from https://www.briantracy.com/blog/time-management/plan-ahead-and-increase-productivity/

[ii] Alix, Wilbur, The Natalie Institute. 20 Qualities of Alive Relationships Workshop.


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