Using AI to unlock Business Intelligence
Here in New York, signs of normal life are beginning to emerge; restaurants are bustling, families are enjoying the warmer weather outdoors, and slowly but surely, we’re inching closer to returning to our offices. In the business world, IT teams never took their foot off the gas. In fact, we’re seeing customers accelerate digital transformation – speeding up projects that previously would have taken five to 10 years, now planned for the next two to three years. For our customers undergoing these shifts – there’s no better time to think how to leverage AI across your organization.
Scaling AI across the enterprise
According to recent research commissioned by IBM in partnership with Morning Consult[1], 43% of businesses reported that their company accelerated its rollout of AI as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. While it’s great to see increased adoption of AI, it’s also important to consider where AI is applied in the business.
Our research shows that when customers bring IBM Z into their hybrid cloud, they can achieve up to 5x more value than a public cloud-only approach through data-driven business acceleration and operating efficiency. To unlock the full value of hybrid cloud, IT leaders must be focused on scaling the value of their data with AI across the enterprise, including all aspects of IT and business operations.
Co-locating AI where the data resides
According to the same IBM/Morning Consult study, 90% of respondents said that being able to build and run AI projects wherever their data resides is important. For our customers, IBM Z is the leading platform for running their mission-critical applications and where their most business critical data resides, making AI on Z even more important for solving the types of Hard Tech problems IBM helps our customers with every day.
Let me give you an example of how scaling AI across the enterprise can be used to improve customer experience: credit approval processes.
We recently worked with a bank to bring AI to IBM Z as part of their credit approval process for loan applications. By leveraging AI, the bank was able to minimize loan defaults through early fraud identification, accelerate credit approval processes and improve customer service and profitability.
But this is just one example; we’re already seeing potential to integrate AI workloads with core business operations in areas like clearing and settlement of trades, anti-money laundering, risk analysis, credit card fraud, and healthcare. As companies begin to map out their digital transformation initiatives, or plan new ones, keeping AI front and center of the transformation can help drive powerful business outcomes.
What AI projects are you excited to deploy in your business?
[1] IBM Global AI Adoption Index 2021 (