Planetary Consciousness Revolution Experiment (PCRe2).
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Planetary Society (PS) generating Change and Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence (EI).
Artificial Intelligence (AI), data, and Information.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be a valuable tool, although it is also a two-edged sword[i], while Big Data flows through various channels in the Web_Space (WS) generating, data, information and knowledge, society as a whole is How can I take advantage of this flow of information to solve my daily problems?
Now with the help of AI techniques using Machine Learning[ii] (ML) and Deep Learning[iii] (DL) tools, the information can be processed to obtain answers and predictions against major challenges such as climate change, CV19, economic war, business, cancer or energy use and management to name just a few examples.
If society understands and manages this information with the help of artificial intelligence with emotional intelligence, then many of humanity's paradigms can be solved. However, for this to happen we have to help society wake up from the dream it is in.
What are we talking about?
Simply to know the reality, to know the truth[iv], to understand where we are[v] and to know what will happen[vi] if we make this or that decision[vii].
We all already know that Information is power[viii] and this power allows us to make intelligent decisions that can save lives and create future
Why do not do it?
The power of information leads us to understand that, contrary to what we thought, we are not alone in the Universe[ix], that we are not the only ones[x], the Universe is overflowing with life[xi] and beneficial intelligence for life and with different technologies and sciences and the best and wonderful thing is that we are being visited by many species and extraterrestrial intelligences[xii].
Thus, evidence[xiv] of any kind goes through the stage of becoming data5, then information and then knowledge, and if we follow the flow of the same information, we can also discover problems that we had not observed and then face these new challenges[xv] that knowledge gives us.
However, we are asleep and find it difficult to understand that everything in the Universe is energy[xvi] and we as living beings are energy[xvii] and it vibrates in the Cosmos[xviii].
We have to fully wake up and try to understand that we do not need anyone to contact Extraterrestrial Intelligence and Change the Planet, we just have to Request Contact and Ask for Help[xix].
Then understanding the multivariate problems of society on this planet, of our economy, of our policies and of our governments, we realize that the human race has evolved to such a point from homo sapiens and its first tools and forms of communication to the modern man with his technology and internet so we can understand that in these times in 2020 we are very close to becoming homo stelaris[xx].
For this we must tell the truth.
First, scientists have to speak on behalf of humanity[xxi] and remove the veil and fear of ridicule and say that many scientists, politicians and others that we even admired, such as Carl Sagan[xxii], all of them lied to us and know that great international institutions like NASA[xxiii], the European Space Agency[xxiv], and our governments[xxv] continue to lie to us and that we know this due to the overwhelming amount of evidence and information existing on the network and unmasked by people who hacked governments and institutions, and thus we were able to find out about what they always told us was that it did not exist or that it was impossible that the truth is that it existed and exists and that it is possible.
Understand that they lied to us:
They told us that we were alone in the Universe[xvii], that interstellar travel[xviii] or time travel[xix] was not possible, that it was not possible to have energy available for our use, that money is the only solution to humanity's problems and that it would bring us happiness, which required us to be protected by the military industry, etc. etc.
They lied to us and continue lying to us and through these lies and disinformation they are manipulating us and treating us like a herd or as something that can be discarded or used as long as it feeds the system or the Status Quo generated by a cover-up of information and technology that we require and have the right to use since it has been created by reverse technology from the taxes and work of humanity.
No longer fall for deception:
Scientists and intellectuals of the planet have fallen into the game that talking about UFOs is a ridiculous topic and only the stupid ones treat it and for this disinformation campaigns[xx] were created that discredited the subject and thus these advertising campaigns were successful and Now everyone knows from the person with the least education to the doctors of science that talking about UFOs is idiotic that aliens do not exist, since the scientific and documentary evidence says otherwise, so let's understand that extraterrestrial intelligence is real, it exists , is here and so far we do nothing[xxi].
What are we going to do?
The first question is simple ...
What does planet society wants?
And the answer is overwhelming
The Planetary Society wants:
The Planetary Society, the entire world and all the inhabitants of "Planet Earth" want to: Be happy, be free, be able to prosper, grow, contribute.
However, for this to be possible, it requires a better quality of life, a new economy, more freedom, more independence and more happiness, increasing the average life span of the planet's inhabitants, being able to use the technological advances available, in short, have access to the free use of energy.
All this is already available to all humanity as a whole since extraterrestrial technology has this and more, so we have to act so we do not to lose another two generations of delay of 40 years each, or another 80 years just because we were asleep[xxii] then…
What we have to do is:
Produce a Revolution of Consciousness to Change our Vibration and that of the Planet
How do we achieve our goals?
0. For this we need critical mass, we require you.
1. First we have to inform ourselves and awaken others
2. Second we accept and vibrate positive energy for the planet and desire and seek contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence[xxiii]
3. Third, we organize ourselves as an awake planetary society through multiple networks such as Gaia, Tercer Milenio, Disclouse Projet[xxiv]
4. Fourth, generate a Global Joint Contact Protocol
5. Fifth, make the worldwide call to generate a Planetary Contact event.
6. Sixth to make contact with EI and request their help as a planetary society
7. Seventh to stream to the WEB of contacts in the world event in real time
8. Eighth establish a planetary social change agreement
9. Ninth change our way of life on the Planet.
We ask you to join this CPR and to translate and promote in all possible languages the following manifesto: Planetary Consciousness Revolution (PCR) or Revolution of Planetary Consciousness (CPR)
Wake Up and Contact Us Now[xxv]
[i] Artificial intelligence (AI) traditionally refers to an artificial creation of human-like intelligence that can learn, reason, plan, perceive, or process natural language. It is also a science that empowers computers to imitate human intelligence, such as decision making, information processing, text, and visual perception. Artificial Intelligence is a broader field (that is, the big umbrella) that contains several branches such as Machine Learning, robotics, 3D vision and virtual reality. However, it has its own problems and that is that once AI is independent it can rebel against humanity if these factors are not taken into account and if it is not programmed with Emotional Intelligence (EI) and with empathy for the human race and humanity. lifetime.
[ii] Machine Learning is a branch of Artificial Intelligence that allows machines to improve on a given task with experience. It is important to note that all Machine Learning techniques are classified as Artificial Intelligence techniques. However, not all Artificial Intelligence can count as Machine Learning since some basic rules-based engines can be classified as AI but do not learn from experience so they do not belong to the Machine Learning category.
[iii] Deep Learning is a specialized branch of Machine Learning that is based on the training of Deep Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) using a large set of data such as images or texts. ANNs are information processing models inspired by the human brain. The human brain consists of billions of neurons that communicate with each other using electrical and chemical signals and allow humans to see, feel, and make decisions. ANNs work by mathematically mimicking the human brain and connecting multiple "artificial" neurons in a multilayer fashion. The more hidden layers are added to the network, the deeper the network becomes.
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[xi] [email protected] /
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