Mediation as a Stance
Fotografin Evelin Frerk

Mediation as a Stance

The Mediative Stance as a Personal and Social Skill

"We need mediation to become a universal life skill."[1]
(Johan Galtung)

Some concepts appear to be self-explanatory. If we take a closer look though, that initial sense of clarity may well start to fade. Take the word "stance". [2]

Stance is not something we can pin down, although we may declare it to be "good" or "bad". It’s not uncommon for someone to acquire an idealistic stance, only to see it dwindle and fade away over time. Why is that? When we interact, we don’t only activate our intact, "healthy" parts and stances. Instead, we trigger a similar wealth of highly individual stories of injury and experiences of weakness, which are imprinted in our memories.

In the light of current social developments in Europe and around the world, we find ourselves facing this question: What are the common, not just the individual, values, convictions and stances we are going to need to be able to sustain life together as a society, and what role can mediation or mediation as a stance play in enabling us to embrace diverging ways of thinking, so that seemingly opposing ideas can converge in a positive way?

In public discourse, questions like: "Who are we? What keeps us strong and well-grounded?" have surfaced, or linger still below the surface. [3]

1.???What is stance?

A stance is not something we are born with, it’s shaped by the good and the bad experiences that we have all had with other people. The good news, however, is that a stance never reaches a developmental finish line, its ability to evolve through new experiences knows no limits. A stance is never just a set of elements like rational thinking, faith or spirituality, neither is it just a set of emotions, though all of these factors do play a part in shaping its structure. It often expresses itself involuntarily or even unconsciously in a perception, a feeling, a judgement, a desire or a behaviour. Finally, stance is influenced by aspects relevant to the developmental process of our personality, such as the level of inner self disclosure we have reached and the extent to which we are willing and able to self-reflect our identity and actions.

So life is constantly re-shaping our stances.

Stances emerge from the interplay of psychological factors and develop through our biography and through the imprints our individual experience leave in us.

Today's discussion of stance appears to explain and illuminate everything and nothing at the same time, since stance is something extraordinarily diverse. Perhaps this explains the enormous popularity of the "issue of stance".

We hear or read about the "inner stance", the "appreciative stance" or the "professional stance".

How do these concepts translate into actions, though?

What have recurring calls for changes of stance actually achieved?

If stance can be acquired and learned, does that mean we'll inevitably get to a point at which it's automatically available if we need it?

In this paper, the word "stance" is used to emphasise the fact that stance always relates to the self. This also applies if we try to define the concept of stance in a different way, for example as a conglomeration of subjective theories, of ethical claims adopted by an individual, and of intentions and goals for action, which any of these might lead to. If that holds true stance has to be something highly subjective and personal.[4]

Broadly speaking, stance is derived from the nature of our fundamental human relationships, which are always determined by relational interactions with others, with ourselves and with the outside world. Any stance references, either implicitly or explicitly, this network of others, ourselves and the outside world and is thus a manifestation of these complex relationships.[5]

2.???Can we learn a stance?

This question has its pitfalls, as it may camouflage the idea that we all start out without a stance (or with the wrong one), so we first need to acquire one (the "right" one?).

From a subjective individual perspective, any stance is "right", as long as it is congruent in the person involved. This can't be otherwise, since a stance will always express how the body, our thinking and our feelings interact internally. Such a "right"or "true" stance", we might say, actually provides us with support and orientation, and helps us to make decisions and navigate complex situations. This is especially true in people who monitor their own actions to gauge to what extent they are in harmony with their personal stance. This state of harmony is in turn a necessary precondition for us to be able to succesfully bear responsibility.[6] If actions and stance don't match, or if someone feels that their desires, feelings and actions actually contradict each other, feelings of unpleasantness and pain will arise.

Depending on the psychological context, what can also arise are avoidance tendencies and psychosomatic symptoms, or conversely a sense of inspiration that can lead to resolution and development, although this won’'t automatically trigger actual change.[7] Seen from this angle, changes in stance stem from an inner process, whose potential will depend on the will to develop and on the range of opportunities available. That is why any appeals, demands or even the most convincingly worded hypotheses - whether they are derived from sets of guiding principles, from abstract concepts or from some form of official endorsement or guarantee of high quality - will achieve nothing as long as someone's inner self – that psychological authority that integrates all our life experiences - can't say yes to them.

So what does it take for a change or development of stance to succeed?

The ongoing development of a stance is primarily a product of the course our own self-development takes. The self coordinates our intuitions, emotions and the reasoning of our mind in a constant search for what's best suited to "me"?[8] This means that anyone who wants to work on their "stance" is going to need an appropriate setting conducive to self-engagement. Incessant demands for a "change of stance", conversely, will stop our development in its tracks, because we will feel that what is being asked of us is not, or not yet aligned with our own sense of self.

3.???What is mediation?

Mediation in the classical sense of the term describes negotiation between at least two conflict parties in collaboration with a neutral third party. The aim is to work out a solution to the conflict that considers the interests of everyone involved and that will foster positive future relations.

The mediator's job is to create a suitable framework and structure for the mediation process. He or she should take on a stance which triggers a process of learning that has a nurturing influence on the participants' social skills, their future interaction patterns, their role structures, their relationships, and their stances and values.

The authentic stance the mediator needs to adopt and to master is one of impartiality, neutrality, personal appreciation, presence, empathy, respectful curiosity, confidence, non-judgmental observation, genuine interest in the people involved, true understanding and perseverance, in short a stance of acknowledging appreciation of the conflict, of mindfulness not to lose oneself in the process and of being able to step back and act as a sounding board for the conflict parties.

Mediation can be used as a method to make different stances visible, which means its not just a set of principles sitting in a vacuum. Its fundamental, unalterable stance is that it presupposes that people are inherently capable of working through conflicts, of understanding differing perspectives at a core level, and of seeing conflicts as a catalyst for change.

Mediation is therefore value-dependent, yet, ideally, open to embrace all the differing values which may surface in an actual session. This stance generates the kind of social space in which different beliefs can come together and look for a joint basis, and in which differences can be pinpointed and reframed so that they can begin to mutually enhance each other. In this kind of space we might also be able to recognise and concede that some things remain irreconcilable.

4.???The scope of stance, in and beyond mediation

When we talk about stance, we reference the person as a whole, and at the same time we need to recognise the term's broader, holistic implications.

This creates a complex individual vs. general dialectic: on the one hand the stance must be evident in the individual and at the same time it must embody something which is of general concern, for example by being an easily recognised representation of mediation's specific basic principles.

This apparent contradiction is not easy to resolve, since as individuals we may be something other than our stance, and equally, our required stance may be something that stretches beyond what we are as individuals. The fact that one and the same person might simultaneously have differing stances on various issues, but also on just one single issue, adds to the complexity of stance context.

Furthermore, we often associate stance with the notion of "setting an example" or of "being an authority in a specific field". Here stance can generate stability and embody support and ongoing reliability, making its purpose easy to recognise and establishing itself as an invulnerable normative role model.

Through reflection we can become aware of our stances, and this practice holds the key to finding the sense of freedom we need to enable us to take on and bear responsibility.[9]

5.???The characteristics of a mediative stance – in and beyond the sphere of conflict!

One characteristic of a mediator's stance is that support will tend to be needed when uncertainties arise. How can a stance prosper in an environment of uncertainty? This is a very common question within the field of mediation and it’s reflected, among other things, in the fact that what we know and what methods we use don’t automatically make us experts, because the actual operative tool that we use in mediation is the totality of who we are.

So when we acquire a mediative stance, it is recognisably valuable and effective. The characteristic stances and skills, such as respect, mindfulness and appreciation, are not only beneficial within the mediation process. They can be effective in a multitude of everyday situations – whether they are of a private, public, professional or business nature - where a successful outcome is dependent on constructive interpersonal relationships. Recognition, affinity and trust are the potential rewards and experts view them as the neurobiological fuel of any motivational system. Enormous amounts of (motivational) potential remain dormant simply because we make our assessments of people and their behaviour without having tried to understand them. Accurately recognising and addressing genuine motives and intentions and likes or dislikes is the decisive ingredient we need if we set out to foster the development of someone's personal potential.

It doesn’t just take keen powers of observation and intuition to understand someone, the most important thing is a positive attitude towards dialogue.[10] Without this, mental-images become rigid, so we no longer perceive what is actually happening, but, without knowing it, only see and hear what we think we are seeing and hearing. And it must be said that we like to believe what we want or what we are afraid of.[11] A Jewish proverb puts this rather aptly: "What a man thinks he has heard, no truth can ever disturb!"

Even so, a mediative stance will strengthen and support personality development. This has to do with the process of opening up inside, and with the will and the ability to self-reflect on ourselves and our actions. Personality development cannot happen in the absence of conflicts and crises, or, to be more precise, the key to personality development lies in learning how to deal with conflicts and crises. This leads personalities to grow, and that growth will always depend on the level of our openness to self confrontation.

6.???Codes of conduct – following homo mediator‘s foosteps[12]

How and where might we come across homo mediator?

We might easily assume his or her defining feature must be some kind of individual, universal characteristic, such as impartiality, incorruptibility or confidentiality. That would only be half the story, however, and we need to add, among others, qualities such as authenticity and integrity to emphasise how crucial it is that a human being’s stance is perceived to be firmly rooted in an unequivocal state of congruency.

This would suggest that every one of us (mediator or not) can make use of our mediative skills in our respective social, professional or private sphere.

So mediation as a stance doesn’t need to be confined to the work environment, but deserves to be an important presence in our daily lives. A mediative stance beyond the professional context looks at life from a global perspective and will bring enduring change to the way we see the world and facilitate positive approaches to conflicts, to ourselves and to those around us.

The mediative stance points the way to the discovery of our own individual inner homo mediator, which will in turn will, metaphorically speaking, get others "infected". The architecture of a mediative stance evolves out of our interplay and collaboration with others. We must keep this in mind if we want to maintain a positive relational flow in our lives.

The collective sense of our inner homo mediator strengthens the fabric of social cohesion by making opposing parties willing to engage in complementary dialogue.[13]?

Recognition is an ethical act: "I should own and bear my due share of responsibility for my subjective feelings, thoughts and experiences, and for my actions. [14]


Stance doesn’t come off-the-shelf and we can’t impose it on anyone. It comes from within and is as individual as our own personality. It needs to be compatible with our own individual values in work and life, and also with our personal view of the world. Otherwise stance becomes fake acting, which will prove extremely strenuous over time. It’s crucial to work on our own stance, and we often speak of healthy basic stances.

What’s more, stance doesn’t develop overnight. It's an ongoing process of conscious and unconscious understanding, changing, developing and adapting our individual ways of thinking and behaving.

The key characteristics of a nurturing personal stance, or rather of mediation as a stance, are poise, empathy, authenticity, self-awareness and self-control, alongside self-responsibility and self-determination.[15]?

A problem only festers when we no longer want to face it, or when we refuse to acknowledge it. Self-aware and self-determined people don‘t shy away from conflict (with themselves or with others) and they are able to identify denial as the absence of an appropriate professional approach.

When a stance is self-determined, interpersonal relationships are seen and reflected on from an external perspective, and help is easily accepted. With a self-determined stance, when we are at peace with ourselves, we become role models worth copying and we foster good relationships.

In addition, a self-confident personal stance will help us to spot and understand when we overestimate our own capacities, for example when we take on too much responsibility or perhaps even try to force ourselves to behave in a certain way. By seeing this we can regain our inner freedom and our inner compass, enabling us to support others appropriately and individually in the best way we can. This in turn nurtures an environment conducive to each of us carrying our own responsibility.

Finally, an empathetic and untroubled stance will foster a sense of intrinsic trust and confidence in human development, which will inevitably reinforce the steady growth of our personality. With this kind of stance, we as individuals will not lose our way in the maze of ambivalent values, demands and requirements our social system presents us with, but instead we will be empowered to seek out and identify our own appropriate professional place within that system.


"If you seek peace, don’t arm yourself for war, but engage with people as fellow human beings, despite the fact that you have no diploma in that discipline – and, by the way, they happen to be the only human beings there are, even when they do not present themselves as your fellow human beings."[16]

Consequently, each one of us should be encouraged to explore our inner homo mediator and the capabilities inherent in the mediative stance, so that we can unleash their true potential with courage and joy.[17]



Bauer, J. (2014), Prinzip Menschlichkeit, München

Duss-von Werdt, J. (2015), homo mediator – Geschichten und Menschenbild der Mediation, Ettenheim

Duss-von Werdt, J. 10th Impulse Day SDM on June ?rd 2016 in Basel, (Loginon July 5th 2021)

Glasl, F. (2015), Selbsthilfe in Konflikten, Stuttgart

Klein, L. / Vogt, H. (2015), Was ist eigentlich Haltung?, Forum for Freedom on September 7th 2015, ? (Login on July 5th 2021)

Kurbacher, F. (2008), Was ist Haltung?, Congress of the German Society for Philosophy in Essen, (Login on July 5th 2021)

Lutschewitz, C. (2018), Der Mediations-Faktor: Innere Haltung und Mediation, Hamburg

Storch, M. / Kuhl, J. (2013), Die Kraft aus dem Selbst, Bern


[1] The Norwegian peace researcher and winner of the Alternative Nobel Prize Johan Galtung (1930) calls for mediation, and thus mediative action, to become a basic life skill for the whole of humanity. (Login at July 5th 2021)

[2] In this paper, stance is understood as a basic inner attitude, and also as a mental attitude, which shapes our perception, thinking, experience and action.

[3] Lutschewitz (2018), p. 15

[4] Klein / Vogt (2015), p. 3

[5] Kurbacher (2008), p. 5

[6] Kurbacher (2008), p. 4

[7] Klein / Vogt (2015), p. 5

[8] Storch / Kuhl (2013), p. 40 f.

[9] Kurbacher (2008), p. 7

[10] Bauer (2014), p. 192 f.

[11] Glasl (2015), p. 27

[12] Duss-von Werdt (2015), p. 11

[13] Duss-von Werdt (10th Impuls Day SDM on June 3rd 2016 in Basel): Ethics and Ethos in Mediation, p. 12

[14] Duss-von Werdt (10th Impuls Day SDM on June 3rd 2016 in Basel): Ethics and Ethos in Mediation, p. 8 f.

[15] Self-determination also includes self-expression, self-confidence, self-clarity, self-knowledge, i.e. ego-stability.

[16] Duss-von Werdt (2015), p. 277

[17] "Mediation, not just as a certificate on paper, but written in our hearts." (Duss-von Werdt 10th Impulse Day SDM on June 3rd 2016 in Basel)

Sehr sch?ner Artikel Claudia und sch?n zu lesen, wie auch schon andere mit dem Begriff der Haltung gerungen haben. Ein Gedanke der mir kam ist, das eine Mediatorin eine Haltung weiter entwickelt sein sollte, wie die zu Klienten. ?hnlich wie beim Coaching. Muss ich zwischen Kriminelle mediieren, kann das ein Polizist, in dem er auf Regeln, Fairness, Respekt und Ehre verweist. Muss ich zwischen 2 Anw?lten mediieren, brauche ich vielleicht jemanden, die eine emotionale Ebenen aufzeigen kann.

Claudia Lutschewitz

Dialog-Begleiterin | Moderatorin & Facilitatorin | Podcast-Host | Autorin | Musik-Impulsgeberin ?? | Speakerin | Humanistin | Gastgeberin des Sokrates Forums ??

3 年

Paul Grutzner - Hi Paul, hope you like it. ??

Walter Herter

Navigationssysteme für komplexe Unternehmenswelten. St?rg?nge bei ein- und festgefahrenen Denk- und Verhaltensmustern...damit der Blick für kraftvolle M?glichkeiten frei wird.

3 年

in der transformatorischen Form heute in der Zeit, in der es schnelle Bildungssprünge braucht, eine der intensivsten Formen der Bildung: Mediation ist dann wie Erfahrungsr?ume mit Qualit?tssprüngen in der Entwicklung des Denkens und Fühlens!

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absolut! Mediation ist ein solch wertvolles Tool, liebe Claudia! War es schon immer und vielleicht heute, mehr denn je


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