Jens Moeller's tips on finding out what YOU really want and how to achieve it
Life is short - find and achieve YOUR goals

Jens Moeller's tips on finding out what YOU really want and how to achieve it

For many people, the reason why they can't seem to realise their dreams and goals is a lack of effectiveness. It is not the lack of goals that is the problem.

  • Wishful thinking is only for your birthday

 What is missing is specifying the goal, making it precise, to think it through, letting it sink into your awareness and subconscious. That's why many people stay with wishful thinking instead of setting goals. Whenever you hear yourself thinking or saying "I wish…” change that into “I will…”. Don't stop there. Explain why you will achieve this or that.

  •  Build on key strengths – or: why it is not effective to fix weaknesses

 Know thyself is the core message here. Far too many people try to eliminate their weaknesses, which is not very effective. Rather they should know and use their key strengths and at the same time find a way to manage their weaknesses. You want to build up a retail chain, and you know that you are very good at dealing with customers, but not necessarily with figuring out the numbers. Because you know that, you find someone – a friend, a former colleague, for instance - who is particularly good with numbers and Excel sheets.

So you delegate the task of creating reports (on key topics that you will define) to that selected person. This person will return the favour by helping you with your sales efforts. The friend or former colleague will be highly motivated, because numbers are his/her patch. The leader's weakness is effectively managed through delegation, and the overall results will be far better. To use Peter Drucker’s words[i]: Make sure that your plans are built on your key strengths - and not on your weaknesses. The latter should be managed, so they become irrelevant.

  • Sometimes it's better to start from the back end

If you have problems defining your goals, sometimes it's better start from the back end. Try to think about what you want to avoid. Try to think about the things you don't want. Peel it off like layers of an onion, and the core that will be left is what you want to do. Try to envision the goal: What will it be like, what will it feel like to have achieved that goal? What is your reward? For creative minds, sometimes it helps to draw a little picture. Paint a picture about what it is going to be like. From there, try to deduct what steps will lead you there. What kind of resources, what kind of support do you need? Define the main steps that’ll take you there – these are your milestones. Then drill down into more detailed activities. You can find further details on the main blog topic 1: “Become more effective and make your plans happen”.

  • You have all the time in the world

Particularly, if your goal requires a longer effort, you will be dealing with project management. A lot of tasks may be dependent on each other. In this situation, it is vital not to focus on time management, but rather on prioritising steps. Before you work out how to complete a task in the most efficient way, first ask yourself: what are the main steps, the milestones that I need to achieve in order to complete this project successfully? How can I make it happen? For what and from whom do I need support? How can I communicate in the most effective way with the ones who are supporting me? Who do I need to involve and how can I do that?

 If you are selective with the key step and diligently work out how you proceed with them, then time will not be the big issue that it often is. However, time will inevitably run out before reaching the finish line if you do not take the time in the beginning to plan properly. But be careful: don't think too much as outlined before. Not to the point where the thinking prevents action. You do have all the time in the world – if you plan properly ahead and set clear priorities.

  • Seeing is not believing

 Don't be surprised if many people you were in touch with will not be over enthusiastic about your plans. In fact, be very careful and selective about who you share your plans with. Why? Very easy: how can others know what's going on in your mind? If you share your project plans, your goals, your ideas… how could others possibly share your enthusiasm? They are not in your shoes - always remember that.

More often than not, you will notice that many people will ask for "evidence". They will be asking you for results you have already achieved, for anything that they can actually see – even in a virtual way. Some magazines suggest, for instance, that if you want to go abroad you should “ask around" for experiences others have made and then make a decision for yourself. What nonsense! Instead of focussing outwards - asking other people - go inward: ask yourself seriously whether you believe that this goal is worth all the effort. Whether you believe that you can achieve it. Write it down, so when the going gets tough, you can check back on your notes and remind yourself why you are doing this and why indeed you can achieve it. If you don't believe in yourself - who can?

I will elaborate further on this main topic in the following postings. If you are interested, please do feel free to register for our executive education series enquiring here:

Do you have anything to say or ask? I look forward to your feedback, suggestions and further questions! Gladly also on [email protected]. For many more tips & tricks of this kind, simply send an email with subject: "Tips and Tricks" to [email protected].

[i]Drucker, Peter: : The Practice of Management, 1986,Loc 69, 79-98, 153, 173, 178, 183


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