How to Achieve Lasting Results
Plastic surgery is an investment for your patients. In most cases, a significant financial investment. It’s also an investment in themselves and their appearance, and it certainly takes an investment of time and energy to maintain the incredible results that they’re looking for.
It all starts with good health and wellness practices. And this is an area of opportunity where good quality communication from you and your staff can lead to developing good rapport with your patients.
Because here’s the thing. Results don’t just depend on post-operative practices. Yes, it is critical for your patients to follow the post-op instructions that you’ve gone over with them. We are not minimizing the importance of that. However, if your patients are looking to get the best results possible, it doesn’t hurt for them to prioritize their health and wellness before they even have their initial consult.
Here’s why that's so important.
There’s a looming issue with tissue. Well, eight of them, actually. With three of these, we have absolutely zero control; they are gravity, genetics, and menopause. We can influence the remaining five issues though—smoking, previous surgery, sun and UV exposure, diet, and body composition.
Now, you’re probably thinking, “Isn’t this what GalaFLEX is for? To help soft tissue heal stronger for longer[1]?” You’re exactly right. That's true. But just as with so many other medical processes, the lasting support[2] of GalaFLEX can be complimented and enhanced by good health and wellness practices.
Here’s a short list of talking points for what your patients can do pre- and post-surgery to maintain the lasting support they’ve invested in:
1. Eat well. Fuel your body with a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, proteins, and healthy fats. Avoid processed foods as much as possible and drink plenty of water. A good diet can go a long way in maintaining your body composition for years to come.
2. Move. Starting with a good baseline of activity before surgery can only benefit you. After recovery, get back into exercising on a regular basis at least a few times a week. A good diet and regular exercise can almost guarantee your results stay for the long-term.
3. Sleep. Getting seven to eight hours of good quality sleep each night will help not only your mental health and physical well-being but also help in regulating your hormones. Beauty sleep is not just a saying!
4. Live well. Unhealthy habits, such as smoking, can negatively impact and significantly slow down your body’s ability to properly heal after surgery.
5. GalaFLEX. You can’t reverse time, but you can set your soft tissue up for success by reinforcing it during surgery. GalaFLEX scaffolds result in soft tissue two to four times stronger than native tissue[3].
Be sure to implement little habits each day, like eating well, using sunscreen, drinking water, exercising regularly, and getting proper rest to help you look and feel your absolute best in the long run.
Invest in your health. A healthier you is a happier you.
[1] Preclinical data on file at Tepha, results may not correlate to humans.
[2] Preclinical data on file at Tepha, results may not correlate to humans.
[3] Scott, J. R., Deeken, C. R., Martindale, R. G., & Rosen, M. J. (2016). "Evaluation of a fully absorbable poly-4-hydroxybutyrate/absorbable barrier composite mesh in a porcine model of ventral hernia repair." Surgical endoscopy,?30(9), 3691-3701.
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