Has a secret door to inside world[1],
Not accessible to everyone,
Only visible to still minds[2].
8 February 2017, Wednesday, 5:19 am
Note: "Jot down, jot them down", I was instructed, while I was half-slept. (By whom? I don't know.) This is what I have jotted down. What does this message mean? I don't know clearly but will find out about it later, I am sure. Perhaps dreams are a source of some answers or solutions we can't tap into by means of ordinary ways. Now I am thinking about Descartes who told about his dream from which he got some of his important ideas (including Cartesian method used in geometry: x,y). Oh, please, I don't want to be a mystic (like Rumi). I just want to be a philosopher (like Plato).
[1] "inside wall" is what I wrote down. But I soon realised (and corrected) that it must be "world" rather than "wall" as I misheard. I think it means "inner parts or chambers of life or nature". I believe life and nature are related and connected. When we know about life, I believe we will also know about nature, vice versa.
[2] I understand that "still mind" means trained, cultured and empowered mind.