Appreciation - the Strengths Booster. How to Engage Your Character Strengths Every Day...
Winter Sky in Durham, NC, USA 2019

Appreciation - the Strengths Booster. How to Engage Your Character Strengths Every Day...

He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe is as good as dead; his eyes are closed. — Albert Einstein

Appreciating Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence – the strength booster!          

“That is a strength? I never thought of it that way…” that is what one workshop participant said when we debriefed character strengths. Her top strength of Appreciation of Beauty & Excellence is not something she had ever identified as a strength or even special. And yet, as she explored that strength further, she started to recognize that (a) not everyone experiences appreciation as deeply as she does (b) this strength is her go-to strength to create balance, perspective, hope, and happiness.

VIA Character Strengths Classification - (c) VIA Institute on Character 2018

 Character strengths

For those of you who have not read about Character Strengths before, here are six facts to know:

  1. They are the backbone of the science of Positive Psychology – aka the science of peak performance or the study of human flourishing.
  2. Researched by Doctors Martin Seligman and Christopher Peterson and a team of dozens of experts, supported by the Mayerson Foundation they are: Universal; Cross-cultural; Easily recognized; Supported and revered by society; Elevating to self and others.
  3. There are 24 strengths classified into 6 virtues (See graphic above from the VIA Institute on Character).
  4. The VIA Institute on Character was established to further the research into and practice of Character Strengths.
  5. The free VIA Character Strengths assessment, which provides you with your rank order of the 24 strengths, takes 15-20 minutes to complete, is available in multiple languages and has been taken by over 6,000,000 people to date.
  6. You can take your free survey here to get your personal ranking of the 24 strengths (the assessment takes about 15 minutes).

The Cream of the Crop

Appreciation of Beauty & Excellence, (c) VIA Institute on Character, 2018

My top character strengths – my signature strengths – consistently include Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence, Curiosity, Fairness, and Gratitude. Others wander in and out of my top five, but my top 10 -12 stay pretty consistent too…

 My #1 strength is always Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence (hereafter Appreciation!). It is core to who I am. I cannot imagine a day without it. How does having a top strength of Appreciation of Beauty affect people day-to-day?

Ruth Pearce Signature Strengths - May 2019, VIA Institute on Character

Appreciation is ranked as a signature strength (in the top five out of 24) by approximately 1/4 - 1/3 of the population[i]. After 20 years of research into character strengths, we have not yet discovered much about Appreciation. It is not one of the five happiness strengths (which are Hope, Curiosity, Gratitude, Zest & Love)[ii]. It is not strongly correlated with any of the seven team roles of Idea Creator, Information Gatherer, Decision Maker, Influencer, Energizer, Implementer or Relationship Manager. It does not particularly support lower stress or higher self-esteem. All in all, we don’t have much to say about Appreciation as a strength and what it might be helpful for. In fact, in a search of the VIA Institute on Character website list of over 400 pieces of research into character strengths, I could find only one positive reference to Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence[iii] which as about how it contributes to an appreciation of life and to post-traumatic growth. The same research that identified the happiness strengths highlighted Appreciation (along with Judgment, Humility, creativity, and love of learning) as being the least correlated with happiness!

And yet, as important as my other strengths are to me, I - and those strengths - would be greatly diminished without Appreciation. In my mind, it is the supercharger for all my other strengths. Curiosity is so much more gratifying when I sprinkle in appreciation of the research, the skill, the work that has gone into a research paper or a new gadget. As I ask, “what does that do?” I am also thinking, “who came up with that? It is amazing that someone could think of that!”

As I am trying to be fair and take the interests of all parties into account, I cannot help but think about the way in which each person got to where they are, their unique experience of life, the unique path they have followed and to appreciate that they are special.

View from Delta Flight May 7th, 2019 (c) Ruth Pearce

When I am feeling grateful, it is magnified by being specific about what I am grateful for – appreciating the skill of a musician or … my dentist! The beauty of the surroundings at my house or during my walk. Or the opportunity to appreciate the clouds from a plane. It is so much easier to feel gratitude when I have Appreciation to shore it up!

Leadership feels so much easier and is more effective when it is supported by expressing my appreciation of my colleagues; seeing their strengths of character, skill, and purpose. In fact, when combined with appreciation, Leadership and Teamwork start to really work hand in hand.

Appreciation of Beauty & Excellence - seeing the best in people and things around us! VIA Institute on Character defines Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence as “you notice and appreciate beauty, excellence, and/or skilled performance in all domains of life, from nature to art to mathematics to science to everyday experience.

Research shows that Appreciation has three components.

  1. Appreciating natural beauty - experiencing AWE and WONDER
  2. Appreciation of skill and talent - experiencing ADMIRATION
  3. Appreciation of virtue and good deeds by others - experiencing ELEVATION and INSPIRATION

There are three types of goodness to which individuals high in Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence respond:

  1. Physical beauty. This may be visual such as seeing a wonderful view, auditory such as hearing the dawn chorus, tactile such as touching the roughness of the bark of a tree, or abstract experiencing a sense of wonder at everything around us. This type of goodness produces awe and wonder in the individual experiencing it.
  2. Skill or talent (excellence). This is often energizing and makes the individual want to pursue their own goals. It produces admiration. This could be watching and listening to a virtuoso musician, reading about a great scientist, politician, or invention, admiring the way a writer tells their story or a filmmaker weaves the components of a great movie together.
  3. Virtue or moral goodness (moral beauty). Moral goodness makes the individual want to be better, more loving and produces feelings of elevation. Seeing someone do something that seems “right” and “fair”. Observing someone taking the high ground. Listening to speeches by great influencers such as Martin Luther King.

Using Appreciation to Aid Strengths Spotting

I am an avid strengths spotter. I will point out the strengths I see in people wherever I go, whoever they are. I trust that my strength of Appreciation will guide me wisely and make the feedback feel authentic and warm. This strength gives me the confidence to speak up when I might otherwise observe and say nothing. I will give you an example.

"A Rose by any other name would smell as sweet" Juliet in Romeo & Juliet, William Shakespeare

The other day I was riding my bike through our neighborhood. Every day I have been exploring because we only moved to our new location a few months ago. As I was riding on this particular day, I noticed that one front yard had the most amazing display of roses. It reminded me of the rose garden at a historic home I used to visit with my parents when I was growing up. In that historic garden, the perfume was intoxicating. I found myself wondering whether the blooms in this particular garden had that same wonderful perfume – so many flowers seem to have no smell at all these days. I moved closer to the garden, took some photos and leaned in to smell. The aroma was at once sweet and aromatic. The perfume was beautiful and rich. Taken aback by the beauty of the flowers and the wonderful smell, I wanted to express my appreciation and gratitude. How could I let the owner know that in some small way they had made a difference to someone else’s day? I wanted to knock on the door to express my pleasure, but the unwritten rules of neighborhood living, social mores that make approaching strangers at best risky and for some people downright threatening, made me pause, but then I thought about how I would feel if I rode away without saying anything.

Neighborhood Rose Garden (c) Ruth Pearce 2019

I climbed off my bike, took off my helmet and sunglasses, and walked to the front door and knocked. I could hear a dog barking inside and appreciated the way it was warning its owner of a stranger at the door. A woman came to the door looking puzzled through the glass. She opened it tentatively, and I immediately apologized for disturbing her and for if what I was about to say seemed like a thing a stalker would do but told her I wanted her to know how much I appreciated the sight and smell of the roses in her garden. She beamed with pleasure and took me out to show me the different roses, explaining that they are her husband’s pride and joy. In that moment, we two strangers were united in our enjoyment of a simple pleasure.

That day my Appreciation boosted my Bravery and Gratitude.

When exploring the awe and inspiration in Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence, one of my favorite clips to share is this one from The Journey of Purpose. The images show great feats of expertise and skill. And they make me smile and I feel a great sense of awe at the feats that we can accomplish when we dare to try.

Frog on the window, blue-tailed skink lizard on our walk, flowers in the yard (c) Ruth Pearce, 2019

Physical beauty strikes me as I walk around our neighborhood. I can easily become immersed in listening to the birds, looking at the flowers and the trees feeling the sun, seeing the deep blue of the sky. I feel moved when I see a blue-tailed skink lizard on the path in front of me, a frog on our window, feel beautiful intricate bark on a tree, see all the shades of green on a hillside.

I admire great performances, creativity, teamwork and especially humility.

Another favorite video of mine is this one. Watch the two "base players" in the video to see humility in action.

I feel awe and admiration for this band as they make this beautiful music. I see every character strength in this video and often use it in workshops and presentations as a strengths-spotting exercise. And when I see these examples of great performances, I feel inspired to try my hand at new things.

I am also moved by movies – the bravery, perseverance, social intelligence, self-regulation, love, and kindness in my favorite movie, V for Vendetta, and the richness of the costume and the music, the creativity, love, kindness, humor, forgiveness and self-regulation in Moulin Rouge.

The Power of Appreciation for Project Managers

Appreciation can help us as project managers in several ways. It can lead to a general sense of wellbeing - for example, lifting our mood when we take a walk outside or feeling excited by a virtuoso performance.

And at work, this strength can be really helpful when it comes to noticing and highlighting the good work – and strengths - of others. Using appreciation makes it easier to provide recognition when someone goes above and beyond, and we are more likely to feel comfortable showing recognition in front of others, sharing their accomplishments and downplaying our own - supporting the strength of humility. When team members feel their efforts are acknowledged and appreciated, they tend to give more discretionary effort to project tasks. And people who give discretionary effort are engaged, and get more done!

Other strengths that are closely related to Appreciation are Gratitude, Curiosity, Love of Learning, Kindness, and Creativity[iv]. You may want to focus on one of these related strengths to help boost your strength of appreciation. You can practice using appreciation by looking for experiences that create a sense of awe, admiration, elevation, and inspiration. As you identify those experiences, you will hone your skill with appreciation.

Appreciating Appreciation

June 1st marked the 25th anniversary of my immigration to the US and I have just reached 200 consecutive days of meditation. Since June 1st I have been on a mission to appreciate things each day. I have been posting photos on Instagram, but sometimes what I appreciate is not something I see. It is an aroma or a sound.

Why not share your experiences of appreciation whenever the mood takes you? What gives you a sense of awe and wonder, what inspires you? Who or what do you admire?

Share your experiences using the hashtags #appreciation and #sbpm

Ruth Pearce is an author, speaker, project manager and coach. Her book, Be a Project Motivator: Unlock the Secrets of Strengths-Based Project Management, has received 100% 5-star reviews in the US, UK, and Canada and is available in Print, Kindle/Nook, or audiobook.

[i] McGrath, R.E. (2017). Technical Report: The VIA Assessment Suite for Adults: Development and initial evaluation, Cincinnati, OH: VIA Institute on Character

[ii] Park, N., Peterson, C., & Seligman, M. E. P. (2004). Strengths of character and well-being. Journal of Social & Clinical Psychology, 23, 603–619.

[iii] Posttraumatic growth in various dimensions corresponds with particular character strengths: improved relationships with others (kindness, love), openness to new possibilities (curiosity, creativity, love of learning), greater appreciation of life (appreciation of beauty, gratitude, zest), enhanced personal strength (bravery, honesty, perseverance), and spiritual development (religiousness; Peterson et al., 2008; Tedeschi & Calhoun, 1995). 1. Peterson, C., Park, N., Pole, N., D’Andrea, W., & Seligman, M.E.P. (2008). Strengths of Character and posttraumatic growth. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 21 (2), 214–217. 2. Tedeschi, R. G., & Calhoun, L. G. (1995). Trauma and transformation: Growing in the aftermath of suffering. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

[iv] Niemiec, R. M. (2018). Character strengths interventions: A field guide for practitioners. Boston: Hogrefe. p141

Puja Agarwal

Consultant | Strategist | Researcher

8 个月

wow fantastic buh

???? Ron Demery ??

Going through changes takes courage, accepting myself is important. Finding my way, The scars from rejection never last, they hurt for a little but you rise above, because you know your worth!

5 年

Fantastic article. Appreciation in this day and age is needed more than ever. Thank you for posting this.

Stephen M. Leighton

Senior Consultant, Avaap

5 年

I love your roses story. I think I appreciate the description of that smell experience taking you back even more that the part about you going to the door. Isn’t it amazing how smells can do that in a way almost nothing else can? For me it is the smell of hot asphalt and sand near an ocean beach. I’m not quite sure where it is taking me back to, but it has to be sometime when I was only about 3 years old or less. But it’s as vivid a memory as any I’ve ever had and it happens every time. Thanks for sharing.


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