About Placer.ai
About Placer.ai
Placer.ai Marketplace
A Complete View of Any Location in One Dashboard Combine Placer.ai's analytics with partner datasets to gain a comprehensive view into places, markets, & customers
Placer.ai + AGS: Behavior & Attitudes
We’re excited to present AGS Behavior & Attitudes - a dataset on the Placer.ai Marketplace providing rich psychographic insights into consumer lifestyle preferences in your trade areas. AGS Behavior & Attitudes allows you to examine over 400 variables to reveal consumers’ lifestyle habits and attitudes, from favorite types of products to individual views and travel choices.
Placer.ai Void Analysis
Placer.ai's Void Analysis is the fastest way to find the right tenant. Get an instant list of prospective tenants with the strongest match for your site, ranked by their Relative Fit Score.