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Software used to move large volumes of files over established networks with end-to-end security and activity monitoring. - Use built-in security, encryption, and compliance features not included in FTP solutions - Scale delivery between systems, automate file transfer procedures, and support multiple protocols - Control auditing and authentication and receive confirmation of successful transfers
82 results
Secure, reliable, and easy-to-manage solution for transferring data between people, partners, businesses, and applications. Manage and control how your organization sends and receives data so you can ensure it stays protected and meets compliance regulations such as HIPAA, PCI, DSS, and GDPR.
Enterprise-grade secure file transfer and automation software for reliable, secure data transfer between partners, customers and systems.
Automate your file transfers while staying secure and compliant with JSCAPE by Redwood, able to support any platform, protocol or environment. Easy to use and set up, IT teams are empowered with a single view into all file transfer operations, with real-time notifications and alerts. With a built-in library of 100+ no-code/low-code workflow automation templates, REST APIs and off-the-shelf integrations, your experts have the tools they need to deliver reliable file transfer operations. Experience the power of scalable file transfer with JSCAPE. Experience the power of secure, seamless and scalable file transfer with JSCAPE. Elevate your enterprise's data management capabilities and unlock new levels of productivity and agility today.
Secure file transfer just got easier with Cerberus FTP by Redwood. Since 2001, Cerberus has been simplifying SFTP for small, midsize and enterprise organizations. Known for its ease of use, robust security features and award-winning support, Cerberus is the preferred Windows SFTP solution for IT professionals. Security and compliance features help you meet requirements like HIPAA, GPDR and more, plus regular penetration testing and third-party auditing identifies any potential product weaknesses for remediation. Start sharing your files securely and reliably with Cerberus FTP today.
See which products are used by connections in your network and those that share similar job titles Sign in to view full insights
Enterprise-grade secure file transfer and automation software for reliable, secure data transfer between partners, customers and systems.
LinShare is a Private and secure file sharing and cloud storage solution. Fully compliant with GDPR. Made and hosted in the EU. LinShare has been free to use and powered by open-source since 2009. Check us out on GitHub at LinShare gives you access to features such as notifications whenever your file is opened or downloaded, activity logs and secure uploads. With LinShare you can organize your files conveniently and use them for efficient collaboration with your team. Your privacy is our priority so LinShare uses data encryption, password-safe links and multiple layers of protection.
In unserer global vernetzten Gesch?ftswelt steigt tagt?glich der Berg an Daten, den Sie und Ihre Mitarbeiter bearbeiten und intern wie extern austauschen. Auch deren Gr??e sowie der Anteil an sensiblen Daten werden nicht weniger. Und gerade diese müssen geschützt werden. Ob aus Rechtsgründen oder weil Ihr Erfolg davon abh?ngt. Mit FTAPI SecuMails verschicken Sie sensible Daten jeder Gr??e einfach und absolut sicher per E-Mail. Dabei stehen Ihnen vier Sicherheitsstufen zur Auswahl, von TLS bis hin zu Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung. Dadurch lassen sich Compliance-Richtlinien spielend leicht umsetzen und h?chste Sicherheitsstandards realisieren. Zudem behalten Sie jederzeit die volle Kontrolle über Ihre Daten. Dank Outlook Add-In ist der Datenaustausch absolut benutzerfreundlich und ohne Medienbruch.
Bei der Kommunikation mit unseren Kolleg*innen und Externen greifen wir t?glich auf E-Mails zurück. Für den Versand sehr gro?er Dateien eignen sie sich allerdings nicht. Zudem bieten E-Mails nicht immer die erforderliche Vertraulichkeit. Mit der dDataBox k?nnen Sie Ihren Adressat*innen nun gro?e Dateien sicher bereitstellen. Auf einen Blick: ? Ende-zu-Ende Verschlüsselung ? Smartphone-App (Android, iOS) ? Tempor?rer Down- und Uploadlink für Externe ? Benutzer*innen und Speichervolumen eigenst?ndig verwalten ? Betrieb im hochsicheren Twin Data Center ? Günstiger Speicher