Diversity, equity, and inclusion
Learn best practices to help foster diversity, equity, and inclusion at your company and in your hiring practices.
Women and men find jobs differently. LinkedIn's new Gender Insights Report got to the bottom of what that difference is and came up with tips to help companies develop a gender-...
Decades before diversity became the No. 1 topic in recruiting, Michelle Obama developed an approach to finding underrepresented talent. Here are the 3 tactics she shares in her ...
Women in the workplace, unfortunately, face myths that are simply untrue. Here are three of those myths, including ways to combat them and fight unconscious bias.
Many companies are doing their best to educate their employees, reduce bias, and boost fairness in their hiring processes. Here's a look at how three businesses are using innova...
Studies shows that the more gender-balanced a business is, the better it will perform. Tactics like adapting the Rooney Rule and more can help any company bring more women into ...
During LinkedIn's recent Talent Intelligence Experience in New York City, Obama Foundation CTO Leslie Miley believes speaking out about diversity has hurt his career, and he’s n...