“I rather like Richard’s climate blog” - Will Wells
“…romp of a read on Climate Tech…well worth subscribing to” - Peter Bellini
“delightfully unhinged” - Ryan Chilcote
“meandering word soup” - Anonymous*
Wicked Problems covers the intersection of technology, capital, and politics that will determine whether the future is one you’d want to live in, and how to be on the right side of the transition. Climate Tech, in other words.
It’s a great way to keep up on how climate tech innovators — in renewables, electrification, carbon dioxide removal, new materials, transport, biodiversity, and AI, and more — are telling their stories, getting funded, dealing with a chaotic policy environment, and coping with their role in the biggest tech revolution in 250 years.
New issues arrive 2-3 times a week (we're getting into the rhythm) and sometimes more frequently for subscribers if events warrant. It’s written by Richard Delevan, normally trapped in the UK but with a global perspective. He’s been shaping narratives about Climate Tech since before it was A Thing.
Richard was one of the first national business editors to initiate dedicated coverage of climate tech; a startup executive who navigated a tricky tech ecosystem to help the firm find a niche; and a communications strategist who now works only with climate tech. In the newsletter you’re getting a version of the news and analysis normally only available to big agency clients. Reach him at [email protected] if you'd like a custom version for your sector, or just give him shit.
He started Wicked Problems because executives, founders and communicators working in energy and climate tech weren’t getting analysis and insights from a no-BS, informed, pro-Climate Tech POV. Richard consults and avoids commenting on a client in Wicked Problems — but this isn’t his first rodeo: he doesn’t write about a client or any organisation in which he has a financial interest without full disclosure.
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Climate Tech、Energy、Solar、Wind、Battery Storage、Power Networks、CDR、AgTech、Cleantech、CCS、Hydrogen、AI、COP28、Electrification、Decarbonisation、Climate Change、Climate Risk、Narrative、Storytelling、News、Analysis、Space和New Materials