University of Nevada, Reno Extension and the USDA Risk Management Agency held a great Nevada Small Farms Conference, bringing together farmers, ranchers, educators, and food business leaders from across the state. Attendance was strong, and the energy reflected a shared commitment to strengthening Nevada’s agricultural community. Thank you to all the sponsors, speakers, panelists, and attendees who contributed to meaningful discussions and learning experiences. Your dedication to local food and farming is truly inspiring. Looking for more? Get ready for the Nevada Bee and Garden Conference in Minden, NV from March 20-22, 2025! We will be providing high-quality resources for beekeepers, gardeners, homeowners and the community. Register today! Learn more: #UrbanAg | #GrowYourBusiness | #UNRExtension | #USDA | #SouthwestFoodBusinessRegion | #LocalProduce | #TommorrowsTableNV #NevadaFoodBusinessCenter | #SupportLocal | #FarmToBusiness