Another successful Academic Fair for the books! ?? ?? ?? Last week, attendees got the chance to talk with program directors, faculty, and staff and got a chance to see their future simulation environment with a tour of the S.H.A.R.E. facility! ???? If you missed the event, you can contact sr. college recruiter Kristen Colon, MS, at [email protected] or 305-284-2508. #beacanenurse #umiaminursing #canenurse #DNP #PhD #MSN #ABSN #BSN #healthstudies #CRNA #nurseanesthesia #acutecare #FNP #U100
It's always exciting to meet potential new #CaneNurses! ?? ?? ?? Dean Hudson Santos Jr and the #SONHS faculty and staff did just that at yesterday's overwhelmingly successful #SpringAcademicFair. Attendees were impressed with tours of S.H.A.R.E. Simulation Hospital Advancing Research and Education? as well! If you missed the event, you can contact sr. college recruiter Kristen Colon, MS, at [email protected] or 305-284-2508. IMPORTANT UPCOMING DATES: ??April 1: Applications open in NursingCAS for our part-time MSN program starting Spring 2026. ??June 1: Deadline to apply for BSN-to-DNP?and?full-time?MSN?programs. Learn more, ?#beacanenurse #SONHSFamily #swag #umiaminursing #canenurse #DNP #PhD #MSN #ABSN #BSN #healthstudies #CRNA #nurseanesthesia #acutecare #FNP #U100