The Entrepreneurs Association at John Carroll University转发了
I help teachers build AI-enabled mastery learning curriculum ?? | Edtech entrepreneur??????| Entrepreneurship educator ??????| One of the crazy ones ??
??Possible trigger warning ?? A student’s journey ends with a job/career. As a teacher, my job is to prepare them. I realize this position may ruffle feathers. But I find it the most useful for students. Yes, they are in college to learn. Yes, they are in college to grow. But ultimately they need a job. And they want to be fulfilled. I structure everything I do around this goal. The degree programs I build and run. The non-academic programs I build and run. My entire course structure. All class sessions. All lesson plans. All assignments. If I do my job right, students: Know their purpose. Know the ideal job to live that purpose. Have the skills to land that job. Have the network started to land that job. Thank you Christopher Tidrick for this perspective. If more leaders and influencers in higher ed took this approach we could deliver significantly more value to our students, their parents, and our employer stakeholders. What’s holding us back? And how do we overcome that? I’m interested in your reactions to this Please share in the comments ??
Gies Business CIO. Higher Ed IT leader. Notre Dame and Illinois grad. I build collaborative teams that align passion, talent, and professional growth with organizational mission.
One additional thought that came out of the OpenAI Education Forum. As we conceive of new models of teaching and learning in the age of AI, it’s important to recognize that most of our learners are engaging with our institutions not for the sake of pure learning, but rather to prepare themselves as contributors in the economy. As much as academics want to talk about learning, most learners have a different primary goal. The sooner we accept this, the sooner we can focus on the significant overlap between learning and job skills. And AI has an emerging and undeniable place in both.