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?????Supporting Sustainability in Structural Design????? We are thrilled to announce the publication of?SE 2050 Commitment Program: 2023 Data Analysis and Findings Report! This report investigates the relationship between design inputs of structural systems and global warming potential, aiming to aid building decarbonization efforts. The SE 2050 Commitment Program, developed by the SE 2050 Subcommittee of the SEI Sustainability Committee, is committed to moving structural engineering firms and projects toward net zero embodied carbon structural systems by 2050. As part of this project, the SE 2050 Database, a data repository of building projects, was established, and has been pivotal for ensuring better understanding of the relationship between design inputs of structural systems and global warming potential. The findings in this report encourage the establishment of embodied carbon policies and sustainability in the structural design of buildings.? Topics include: ?? Embodied carbon emissions and performance ?? Global Warming Potential (GWP) ?? Relationship of GWP to Gross Floor Area ?? Practical design recommendations ?? Future data collection This book will inform structural engineers, policymakers, and buildings practitioners to incorporate widespread embodied carbon reduction into the structural system of buildings. ???Get Your Copy Today! ???Thank you to our contributors who worked hard to bring this report to the world! Authors: ?? Demi Fang, Ph.D. ?? Manuel Chafart, P.E. ?? Martín Torres, PE ?? Jonathan Broyles, Ph.D. Editors: ?? Lauren Wingo, P.E. ?? Zachary Chabot, P.E. ?? Eric Borchers, P.E., S.E. SEI - Structural Engineering Institute American Society of Civil Engineers #CivilEngineering #SustainableDesign #EmbodiedCarbon #SE2050 #ASCEPublications #StructuralEngineering #BuildingDecarbonization #GreenBuilding #ClimateAction #NetZero