Presenting Kihnu Veeteed - a ferry operator serving four Estonian small islands - Kihnu, Manilaid, Vormsi and Piirisaar- and the route between two on the biggest islands Saaremaa and Hiiumaa. By providing extensive technical knowledge and route-specific expertise, the company aims at contributing to cleaner ferry transport in the Baltic Sea region. Central Baltic Programme REISFER - INTERREG Central Baltic Project #smallislands #greenferries #decarbonization #greentechnology
REISFER - INTERREG Central Baltic Project
International joint initiative towards decarbonizing island ferry traffic in the Central Baltic region
REISFER - Reducing CO? emissions in island ferry traffic - aims to improve the transport area and intermodal nodes by reducing the CO? emissions of the island ferry traffic by 10-20% on the selected routes in Estonia, Finland, ?land and Sweden. REISFER, an Interreg Central Baltic Programme 2021-2027 project, is co-funded by the European Union.
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?? ? ? Riigilaevastik | Estonian State Fleet ?? plays an important role in REISFER - INTERREG Central Baltic Project and contributes to reaching our goal to reduce emissions in the region by at least 10-20%. ?? The project team sees the project as a platform to co-create knowledge and learn from best practices. To gain more insight contact Margus Ansip, Evelin Karofelt and Valter J??ger. Central Baltic Programme #REISFER #islans #greenferries #decarbonization
Introducing the project crew – Estonian State Fleet
Two REISFER partners - Finferries - Suomen Lauttaliikenne and Government of ?land - have joined forces and established the AxFerries! ? ?? By combining expertise, resources, and regional insights, this joint venture enhances the efficiency and sustainability of ferry services, ensuring better connectivity for island communities while supporting economic growth and environmental goals in the Baltic Sea region. This collaboration exemplifies the power of partnerships in addressing shared challenges and innovating for the future of maritime transport. REISFER - INTERREG Central Baltic Project is wishing AxFerries a great future and a fruitful collaboration for the founding organisations ?? ?? #REISFER #greenferries #collaboration #jointventure #islandcommunities #innovation
?lands Sk?rg?rdsrederi Ab (markkinointinimelt??n AxFerries) on perustettu. Axferries tulee liikenn?im??n Ahvenanmaan saaristossa ja yhti?n kotipaikka on Maarianhamina. Ahvenanmaan maakuntahallitus omistaa uudesta yhti?st? 50 % ja Finferries 50 %. T?m? on todella merkitt?v? askel sek? Finferriesille ett? Ahvenanmaan maakuntahallitukselle, ja samalla se merkitsee eritt?in t?rke?? poliittista virstanpylv?st?. Kaksi valtion omistamaa itsen?ist? entiteetti? yhdist?v?t nyt voimansa yhteisyrityksen muodossa, luoden pohjan vahvalle yhteisty?lle ja kehitykselle. ”Tulemme jatkossakin tekem??n parhaamme yhteisten tavoitteidemme saavuttamiseksi ja toivomme, ett? t?m? kumppanuus tuottaa hedelm?? molemmille osapuolille sek? koko yhteis?lle”, kertoo H?kan Fagerstr?m, Finferriesin toimitusjohtaja. ***** ?lands Sk?rg?rdsrederi Ab (marknadsf?ringsnamnet AxFerries) har grundats. Axferries kommer att trafikera i den ?l?ndska sk?rg?rden och bolagets hemort ?r Mariehamn. ?lands landskapsregering ?ger 50 % och Finferries 50 % av bolagets aktier. ? Detta ?r ett mycket betydelsefullt steg f?r b?de Finferries och ?lands landskapsregering, och samtidigt markerar det en mycket viktig politisk milstolpe. Tv? statligt ?gda sj?lvst?ndiga enheter f?renar nu sina krafter i form av ett joint venture, vilket skapar en grund f?r starkt samarbete och utveckling. ”Vi kommer ?ven i forts?ttningen att g?ra v?rt b?sta f?r att uppn? v?ra gemensamma m?l och vi hoppas att detta partnerskap kommer att b?ra frukt f?r b?da parter och hela gemenskapen”, ber?ttar H?kan Fagerstr?m, verkst?llande direkt?r f?r Finferries.?
REISFER - INTERREG Central Baltic Project unites six ferry owners and operators in the Central Baltic region to pilot emission reduction methods. First to be introduced is Blid?sundsbolaget operating in the Stockholm archipelago. The company has expertise with 125 year old ferries and brand new ones, including everything in between, and are still highly motivated to collaborate towards the future of greener ferry operations ?? ? Learn more from Torvald Hvistendahl and Fredrik Liw. Central Baltic Programme Central Baltic Programme - Sverige #REISFER #greenferries #stockholm #decarbonization #cooperation #maritime
Introducing the project crew – Blid?sundsbolaget AB
Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI) concludes the introduction for the research partners in the REISFER - INTERREG Central Baltic Project. ? ?? VTI's vision is an efficient, green and safe transport system. And that is exactly the knowledge and expertise they are bringing to the project. For further information contact Petra Stelling, Klara Ivanetti and Nina Svensson. Central Baltic Programme Central Baltic Programme - Sverige #REISFER #greenferries #decarbonization #cooperation #knowledge #research #environment
Introducing the project crew – The Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute
Meet our next partner - Turun yliopisto - University of Turku ???? Turku region is the most significant cluster of Finnish maritime industry. Turku School of Economics at the University of Turku plays a vital role in the area, as well as in the Baltic Sea region in providing new knowledge and enhancing cooperation between the maritme sector. REISFER - INTERREG Central Baltic Project is proud to call them our partners ?? For more insights, reach out to Lauri Ojala, Minna-Liina Ojala and Elias Joki-Korpela. Central Baltic Programme #maritime #logistics #greenferries #turkuregion #collaboration #REISFER
Introducing the project crew – University of Turku
Although the REISFER - INTERREG Central Baltic Project project has already reached its 6-month milestone, we are yet to introduce the partners that are accompanied on the journey towards greener island ferry sector of the Baltic Sea. ?? It is time to change that and get more acquainted with the organisations onboard. First up is the Lead Partner of the REISFER project - TalTech Estonian Maritime Academy ? For more insight to the project, contact Kadi Kasep?ld, Ulla Tapaninen and Deniece M. Aiken, PhD Central Baltic Programme #REISFER #maritime #greenferries #decarbonization
Introducing the project crew – Tallinn University of Technology
Do you know what the REISFER - INTERREG Central Baltic Project, Cycle4Climate and #SustainableFlow have in common? ?? ?? We are all projects belonging under the Programme Objective 5 and aim at improving mobility solutions that help reduce CO2 emissions. Yesterday the Central Baltic Programme organised the Central Baltic Connect event in Tallinn enabling different projects to network, learn from each other and find potential cooperation points. So what are the key take aways for the REISFER project? ? Changing the mindset of people is always the most challenging part. Knowing about your carbon footprint and about the steps to reduce it can go a long way. To help you along take the Lifestyle test by Sitra! Thank you Kari Herlevi for introducing it! Or make your green pledge through Rohekompass (Green Compass) developed by the City of Tallinn during European Green Capital year. ? Look at the wider picture and think circular rather that linear. Although the progress is moderate for the #SDG13 for climate actions, the changes are like a garden - it blossoms where you water it ?? ? Follow the leaders and forerunners - whether it be testing of new solutions or setting up pilot areas. We are cooperating for the greener ?? Baltic Sea Region. Looking forward to the progress and results of all the projects ?? And of course Happy World Maritime Day! ?? ? ?? #decarbonization #maritime #multimodality #greenferries #greenports #carbonfootprint #circulareconomy
It was about time for the REISFER partners to meet face to face! But there is a saying that good things are worth waiting for ?? We reached that that milestone on September 19, when the partners gathered at TalTech Estonian Maritime Academy for a productive meeting. We had a full day of fruitful discussions on the ferry system set-up in the Central Baltic, the green technologies used onboard, the procurements to be made and, of course the much feared reporting procedure. Big thank you to Riina Palu for joining our meeting and talking about the vision, mission and ambitious next steps for the Estonian Maritime Cluster. Want to know more about the gathering? Read the news from our recently published web page ? ? #REISFER Central Baltic Programme #cleanseas #decarbonization #emissionreduction #ferrytransport #islands
REISFER partnership emphasizes the collaboration for cleaner Baltic Sea
The Maritime month??, organised by Kliimaministeerium / Ministry of Climate of Estonia, has kicked off with a Maritime Technology day. REISFER - INTERREG Central Baltic Project had the opportunity to present our aims, objectives and solutions to be piloted for the experts of Estonian maritime sector and potential interest group! #maritime #decarbonization #ferrytraffic #greensolutions
?? Merenduskuu on alanud! ?? Kliimaministeerium / Ministry of Climate of Estonia eestvedamisel algas Meretehnoloogia p?evaga kuu, mis toob esile olulised teemad Eesti merenduses. Avak?nes r?hutas Kaupo L??nerand, et merenduses on viimastel aastatel toimunud olulised muutused. Meie ülesanne on leida tasakaal majanduse arendamise ja keskkonnahoiu vahel, pidades silmas ka mere?iguse kasvavat t?htsust. P?eva esimene pool keskendus teadusasutuste v?imekusele. Esindatud olid TalTech – Tallinn University of Technology üksused nagu Küberneetika instituut, Meresüsteemide instituut ja Centre for Biorobotics at Tallinn University of Technology. Esindatud oli ka TalTech Eesti Mereakadeemia: ?? Ulla Tapaninen projektiga BALTIC-FIT - Horizon Europe project ja ?? Kadi Kasep?ld projektiga REISFER - INTERREG Central Baltic Project Liitu Merenduskuu üritustega ja avasta p?nevaid v?imalusi! ?? #Merenduskuu #EestiMereakadeemia #Meretehnoloogia #Kliimaministeerium