One of the blessings of being in this role is having conversations with donors about what inspires their philanthropy. As I reflect on 2024, I recall a conversation with a donor who told me “I see philanthropy as a way to both promote joy and alleviate suffering.” This simple but profound statement has stayed with me, and as I think about the impact our donors have had through Providence Inland Northwest Foundation, I see how their investments have accomplished both aspirations.
When I think about joy, I think about the look on sweet Ade’s face when she got visits from Annika, our facility dog, during her hospital stay. Ade, a young patient with Down’s Syndrom who was recovering from a heart procedure, loved the quiet presence of Annika, who was funded through gifts to our foundation. I also remember Tanisha on the day she got to hold her baby Cameron for the first time after he was born at 26 weeks and spent the first two weeks in the safety of a Giraffe Omnibed in the NICU – funded through philanthropy. And I remember a donation from a family member who wanted to recognize our music thanatologist, who beautifully played the harp as her partner passed, providing peace and comfort during a sacred time.
Every day I also see countless ways that philanthropy alleviates suffering. I reflect on our new ION robot, which is pushing the limits of early detection and treatment of lung cancer, giving patients new hope for a happy, healthy future. I think about the investments we’ve made in our community clinic, the only no-barrier clinic offering health care to those experiencing homelessness. Through the generosity of our community, we invested over $60,000 to purchase everything from hot meals to hygiene items and medical supplies. And I think about the smaller gifts – a gas card for a patient traveling from out of town, a wheelchair for a patient being discharged, a cribette to provide a baby a safe place to sleep – small acts of compassion that ease the way for our patients.
In a world that can feel divided and dark, we are blessed to bear witness to the incredible generosity of the human spirit. For all the ways our donors help promote joy and alleviate suffering, we are profoundly grateful. Today and always.
Sending best wishes for a happy, healthy 2025 from the Providence Inland Northwest Foundation team.?