International Conference on Physics of Reactors (PHYSOR)转发了
I was honored to receive the American Nuclear Society Reactor Physics Division's 2024 Early Career Reactor Physicist Award at #PHYSOR2024. I received this award for "state-of-the-art advances in the development and application of sensitivity/uncertainty methods for nuclear reactor physics analysis and nuclear criticality safety." I believe that the adjoint-based sensitivity analysis methods I have developed provide an unparalleled degree of resolution that is not achievable using other uncertainty quantification methods, and I have worked to extend the areas of applicability of these methods to more fields and to more exciting applications. In particular, I am especially excited about the depletion sensitivity analysis (DPT) reaction rate sensitivity analysis (GPT) methods my group has been developing. These methods allow us to better understand the impact of uncertainty in design-limited reactor physics and fuel cycle simulations, allow us to design more informative experimental benchmark measurements for these fields, and even allow us to calibrate the most important and most uncertain nuclear data affecting these calculations. I was honored to share this award with Dr. Brendan Kochunas of the University of Michigan, who received the award for his significant and original research to develop and implement a 3D transport code, including advanced multi-physics acceleration methods, for practical full-core, pin-resolved LWR applications.