I’m finally settling back home after an incredible few days in Boston attending
#PatientsAsPartners2025 earlier this week.
So many great moments…
?? Day One Co-Chairs Advocate Rucha Shah and Angela Bilkhu (Roche) set the tone reminding us that, no matter the obstacles we may currently face in this space, we must stay focused on the mission of putting the patient first in all we do.
? I had the honor to moderate a keynote fireside chat with Jayne Gershkowitz from Amicus Therapeutics. She’s not only a star in the Patient Advocacy world, but a personal hero of mine. Jayne was the first to show me, many years ago, that my voice mattered and had value and power.
?? I also had the pleasure to share the stage, alongside Gauri Narayan, MBA and Monique (Verrier) Mulkern, during Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. interactive session highlighting their LEAP program. It allows employees to walk in the shoes of a patient or caregiver during their healthcare journey, giving the employee a wider, clearer perspective.
? I was most humbled by the personal and incredibly powerful stories shared by my fellow patient and caregiver advocates Barry Nelson, Mackenzie Abramson, MPH, Patrick O. Gee, Sr., PhD., JLC, Jon Nelson, Sharon Rivera Sanchez, Catherine A., Justin Hopkin, Sarah Woods, and Oronica Fields. They are truly the experts industry needs to hear from throughout the #DrugDevelopment process...from start to finish. Don't ever underestimate their value and power.
? Actionable strategies were shared by many in the field.... Stacy Hurt ??, Ify Osunkwo, MD, MPH, Ken Getz, Beth Brooks, MPH, LSSBB, June Cha, PhD, MPH, Jen Horonjeff, PhD, Liselotte Hyveled, Anthony Yanni, Emma Sutcliffe, and many more.
As always, I’m grateful for the connections, both new and old, I meet with at these conferences and the work they do in this space. To name just a few….Lindsey Wahlstrom, Maya Zlatanova, Vivian Larsen, MBA, Jennifer Ribeiro, Jean Gallagher (National Organization for Rare Disorders) and Lindsay Hedley.
?? A huge shout out to the event organizers Kate Woda, Valerie Bowling, and the rest of the The Conference Forum team.?The energy during those three days was amazing.
?? Now, I'm looking forward to hearing how industry is going to keep the momentum, pushing forward and fighting to have the patient and caregiver voice heard loud and clear.
#PatientEngagement #PatientVoice #PatientCentric #RareDisease #FabryDisease #Pharma #Biotech #ClinicalTrials #Accessibility #HealthEquity