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The Knights of Malta (US) Sovereign State offer global Diplomatic, Business Diplomacy, Trade & Commerce Missions introducing US Businesses, Industries, Professional Service Referrals and Speakers Services. Celebrating 114 Years in America, but Centuries back to 1092. Knights & Dames are high degree, responsible, respected business professionals. We interact worldwide and offer case-by-case opportunities to interact and provide uplifting programs for Unbanked, Underserved Citizenry. UN, EU, US, State Dept acknowledged, you will find us to be: back channel resources for conflict resolution, assisting where others cannot and travel in the face of danger. No task is small or unimportant. Not to be confused with Orders or other organizations, we are a Sovereign State recognized by the Geneva Convention. Dating back to 1092, we encourage you to visit us at following the US Priory, follow the hyperlink to KMFAP to learn more.
Knights of Malta (US) Sovereign State. Federation of Autonomous Priories of St.John的外部链接
Ambassador James Angleton on VZ Elections: “Our #Envoy of Country confirm to Diplomat Colleagues, manipulation of #Maduro votes, were fakes. #VZ #Elections were not certified and Knights of Malta (US) Sovereign State. Federation of Autonomous Priories of St.John request United Nations sends an authencation vote certification team, to expeditiously arrive and immediately, validate votes before they are destroyed.
Knights of Malta (US) Sovereign State. Federation of Autonomous Priories of St.John pleased to have alerted #UN and #Caribbean Leadership that #Haiti #Underservedare are worse-off now, post nominating Leaders for the Country turn-around. This Herald piece affirms our assertions for continued improvements and not mired in disorganization plus indivduals seeking back channel influence peddling.
#Americans, #Voters, pay attention to our Military that is being ignored by the The White House . Our World is fragile and US Assets must be maintained. Stop budget theft. Knights of Malta (US) Sovereign State. Federation of Autonomous Priories of St.John
Join Ambassador Angleton and Knights of Malta (US) Sovereign State. Federation of Autonomous Priories of St.John to the Design and Construction Trade Mission to the Southeast Asia region on from October 28 - November 1, 2024. This business development mission is focused on expanding export opportunities to U.S. small and medium-sized businesses with owners and/or leaders from industries with growing potential in the Southeast Asia region.
#Haiti has more issues to face and were told at several offsite Caribbean meetings, to shore up plans to root out corruption. Knights of Malta (US) Sovereign State. Federation of Autonomous Priories of St.John #Envoys routiney communicate street intelligence with LE Partners. We know the deficiencies, low-to-high level corruptors and have internal classified recommendations for expeditious action and turn-around solutions. We recommend Europol European Commission NATO U.S. Department of State and The White House confer with us and U.S. Department of Homeland Security Drug Enforcement Administration to help identify nefarious puppet masters inside the US, EU, Western Hemisphere who drag Haiti down. Time is now, let’s help Haiti return to Economic vitality, Commerce and help #underserved. Knights of Malta (US) Sovereign State. Federation of Autonomous Priories of St.John
#New#US #Nuclear program receives updates and address China threat.
Our#Envoy and #Diplomat of Country agree with indictment(s) of Former President of #Haiti. His involvement, relationship(s) with Drug and other nefarious relationships are now being spolighted. Drug Enforcement Administration U.S. Department of Homeland Security Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) U.S. Department of State U.S. Department of Justice