IFC América Latina y el Caribe转发了
Brazil’s Investment Partnerships Program, or PPI (Programa de Parcerias de Investimentos da Casa Civil da Presidência da República), works to strengthen the collaboration between the public and private sectors. In addition to our World Bank colleagues, IFC has been working in Brazil for over 66 years, mobilizing private investments to support Brazil’s growth. To deepen this partnership, the team and I welcomed speaking with Assistant Secretary for Social and Urban Infrastructure Manoel Renato Machado Filho, Program Director for Social and Urban Affairs Marcel Olivi, PPI’s Chief Advisor Cleyton Barros, and International Affairs Advisor Maria Stela Santinelli Milograncia. Together, we can explore further ways of intensifying our cooperation at regional and municipal levels – from supporting climate mitigation and resilience to expanding gender opportunities.? Luis Andres Renata Dantas Bernardo Tavares de Almeida Fernando Camacho IFC América Latina y el Caribe IFC Public-Private Partnerships