GSA’s On To the Future (OTF) program is open and accepting applications! OTF supports geoscience students interested in attending GSA Connects by offering partial travel funding, meeting registration, GSA Membership, mentorship, and special sessions with leadership during the meeting. OTF scholars benefit from a vibrant network, community, and opportunities to build social capital within the geosciences.
Thanks to a new collaborative research award from the U.S. National Science Foundation, GSA can now offer expanded opportunities for both scholars and mentors to participate in OTF for up to four years!
What OTF Offers:
-Financial support to attend GSA Connects in the form of travel funding, meeting registration, and GSA Membership.
-An opportunity to connect with Geoscience professionals and make meaningful mentor relationships.
-The chance to network and find community amongst other OTF scholars and build social capital.
-Participation in OTF field-trips, mentor meetings, and OTF Workshop events.
OTF Program Timeline:
-Scholar Application Deadline: 6 May?
-Awardees Typically Notified by: 16 June
-Awardees Must Accept by: 30 June
Learn more about the OTF program and application process here:
Funded by NSF Award # 2333261/62
#Geoscience #OnTotheFuture #GSAOTF #NSFFunded National Science Foundation (NSF)