Celebrating our peers accomplishments ????????????
PhD Student, Researcher, STEM Educator, STEM Robotics, AI and CS4All, Global Project Consultant Digital Solutions, Bountiful Technologies Co Ltd-Co-Founder and Remote Sensing, Climate-Smart Agriculture.
Some throwbacks from the just ended 2024 VEX Robotics World Championship Competitions! It was an awesome exprience for our students, myself,coaches, mentors, partners and even parents watching from home in Ghana. Thanks to VEX Robotics , Robotics Education & Competition Foundation , Bountiful STEM Educational Foundation , Bountiful Technologies Ltd , @US Embassy in Accra, Goethe-Institut e.V. , Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, Ghana , @Ghana Ministry Of Education, STEM and robotics champions like: Jason McKenna , Dan Mantz , Selina Appiah , Abba Sai'd, Rebecca Grella, PhD , Hawa Yokie, Paul McKnight , Paul Ndiho , Pamela O. Gilchrist, Ph.D. , Portia Eyram Meli Mansu (MBA) SETH OGOE AYIM, PMP, MPA, MACS-CP, IP3,CITIP, STEM Expert ,Ato Brown , Jim Laudie , Elsie Effah Kaufmann, PhD and all STEM educators around the world. #robotics #stem #cs4all #Ghana #education