Energy Positive Living Consortium转发了
It seems odd that in all the talk of a transition to sustainable energy, the underlying economic transformation is rarely emphasized and put front & center… The potentially positive impact of a transformation to an economy built on sustainable, renewable clean energy is, by far, the biggest emerging theme of the next 1000 years. Not only is this transition necessary for human survival, but it holds the potential to shift humanity towards a new era of hope and success. There’s an implicit idea, buried in terms like “net zero” that somehow we can remove carbon from the economy while keeping the structures and systems the same. Nothing could be further from the truth. A carbon free world economy will be intrinsically and dynamically unrecognizable when compared to today’s combustion system. The new, distributed, “bottom-up” system will emerge out of necessity and need, but will begin the process of removing the errors of centuries of self-perpetuating combustion and inequity. Join us in a small step toward that outcome… #energypositiveliving #eplc Energy Positive Living Consortium Positive Energy Action Inc.