It was July 2018, sitting in a hotel in Lake Placid when I got a call from “Uncle Skip”, who finally agreed that we could write a book telling his life’s adventures. I had been telling him for years that he had some incredible stories, and the lessons and perspectives he came away with had to be shared with the world.
It turns out writing the details of one’s life is no easy task, and getting someone to publish it is almost more difficult than the writing. But 6 years later, I am so incredibly happy to say that Water on the Moon, a Physicians Memoir of Love and War, is in print! I am honored to be a part of it.
We recount his career starting in Vietnam as a combat physician on the DMZ, the secret Operation Babylift during the fall of Saigon a few years later, the short stint in the Persian Gulf, back to Iraq again in 2003, and many many fascinating experiences across the world in between. Through it all, Phyllis, his rock and high school sweetheart, was by his side.
Whether you know Frederick "Skip" Burkle, Jr. from the field of disaster medicine, have learned from his teachings, or just enjoy history and seeing first hand perspective of watershed events of the 20th Century - check out Water on the Moon through Amazon, McFarland Publishing, or ask for it at your local bookstore.
There are so many lessons from our 20th century experiences. Huge thank you to all of Skip’s colleagues I interviewed and all of you who reviewed initial drafts and provided feedback. I am thrilled we finally got this in print!