I had the opportunity to join my peers and partner organizations in Washington, D.C. to advocate for the Digital Equity Act Funds.
What is the Digital Equity Act?
Passed in 2021 as part of the Congress’s historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), which allocated $2.7 billion to the DEA, along with various broadband provisions, to comprehensively close the digital divide with common-sense programs.
It ensures that other BIL programs like the Broadband Equity Access and Deployment (BEAD) program are not building bridges to nowhere by solving issues that keep people online.
Why does this matter to Oregon and communities across the country?
Closing the digital divide means:
- K-12 students in rural West Virginia can excel like their peers in urban communities.
- Entrepreneurs in Cincinnati, Atlanta, and Asheville can launch tech startups without the high rents of Silicon Valley.
- Veterans in rural Texas can see a doctor online without long travel.
- Seniors in Maine and in Oregon can get cybersecurity training to protect themselves from online hackers and scams.
Research shows that all the barriers to broadband adoption-limited (or not) broadband service, unaffordable internet subscriptions, and a lack of skills and devices for safe internet use must be addressed for households to connect and remain online.
78.7% of Oregon’s population, or 3,336,000 are considered “covered” populations impacted by the Digital Equity Act programs.
25.6% Older Adults
32.9% Rural Households
19.6% Low-Income Households
Oregon has NOT been recommended for funding. Two thirds of recommendations for awards have been announced. Further announcements have been halted.
Portland Community College was announced as part of a multi-state award recommendation.
The City of Portland submitted a grant application with the Coalition of Digital Equity (CODE) to support the following organizations: Free Geek, Latino Network, SUMA, iUrban Teen, The Rosewood Initiative, NTEN, Oregon Health & Science University, Slavic Community Center of NW, Somali American Council of Oregon, Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization, MetroEast Community Media, SW Somali Community, CymaSpace, Outside the Frame, Jackson County Library and Portland Community College.
Total Oregon funds at risk is over $30 million.
DEA programs are in danger of being rescinded, paused, or burdened with government red tape. This could either eliminate or drastically reduce the positive impacts the programs were designed to achieve including Economic Opportunity, Education, Healthcare and Safety.
We need Oregon legislators to talk to each other about the importance of supporting DEA funds. An advocacy campaign to encourage these conversations is on the way. I’ve engaged with the following offices in D.C.
Rep. Maxine Dexter -engaged
Sen. Ron Wyden -engaged
Rep. Suzanne Bonamici -engaged
Sen. Jeff Merkley?-engaged
Rep. Cliff Bentz -no response
The work continues here at home.