Did you know that Chicago veterans can learn how to sail for free? ?? Join William Shehan and his team at No Salt Sailing for an unforgettable experience on the waters. Discover the art of sailing, enjoy the camaraderie of fellow veterans, and leave the stress on the shore. ??? ? From basic sailing lessons to boat maintenance training, No Salt Sailing offers a range of activities to keep you engaged and empowered. And the best part? It’s all about having fun while building valuable skills! ? Don’t miss your chance to be part of this incredible program. Register for upcoming learning modules on July 15-16 and August 12-13. Whether you’re a veteran looking to learn or a volunteer eager to assist, visit the link in our bio to sign up and get ready to embark on an adventure with No Salt Sailing! ?????? ?? REMINDER ?? Who: No Salt Sailing, NFP What: Hosting free boat training classes for veterans When: July 15th-16th and August 12-13th; with the second date being a contingency for any bad weather Where: Chicago Corinthian Yacht Club, Montrose Harbor, Chicago, IL #NoSaltSailing #ChicagoVeterans #freethingstodoinchicago #veteransbenefits #chicago4veterans #chicago #veteranowned #chicagocorinthianyachtclub #veterans #chicagoyachts #veteranownedbusiness