Brief But Spectacular的封面图片
Brief But Spectacular

Brief But Spectacular


Move in someone else's shoes




  • Working moms are a force to be reckoned with, yet many face unexpected hurdles when returning from maternity leave. Riccarda Zezza was one of them. When she discovered her role had disappeared, she didn’t just see a setback—she saw a missed opportunity. Motherhood, she realized, had equipped her with powerful professional skills that too many workplaces overlook. Watch her Brief But Spectacular take on why motherhood is a masterclass in soft skills. #motherhood?#momslife?#workingmom

  • Japan is ahead of the global curve in the percentage of its citizens over 80 -- and also ahead in responding to the impact of its rapidly aging population on society. In this episode of our longevity series, we meet the founder of Toyohashi’s Anki Cafe, Tomoka Sugino. Created to combat loneliness and isolation in older adults, this special place allows child volunteers to serve food and drink to the patrons, setting the stage for cross-generational socialization and joy. (Support for this episode provided by AARP) #Lomgevity #NewLongevity

  • Erika Chong Shuch, Rowena Richie and Ryan Tacata are founders of 'For You,' a group that explores ideas for creating and sharing performance. In 2020, they launched the “Artists & Elders” project, which appoints local artists to create bespoke performance art “gifts” for isolated older adults in the Bay Area community. Watch their Brief But Spectacular take on how to bring people together as art. (Support for this episode provided by Cambia Health foundation) #LONGEVITY #NewLongevity

  • In this episode of our longevity collection, Dixon Chibanda explains how his organization recruits and trains grandmothers to be mental health counselors.. Dixon is a Zimbabwean psychiatrist and founder of The Friendship Bench. He shares his struggles as one of these few psychiatrists in the community and how he had an epiphany to tap grandmothers–the country’s most reliable resource–to help bridge the healthcare resource gap. (Support for this episode provided by AARP.) #longevity #mentalhealth

  • Older adults are less likely to share their LGBTQ+ identities with care providers, and their silence can compromise physical, mental, spiritual, and social well-being. But a growing number of residential centers are becoming SAGECare certified so they can better understand the diverse challenges the older adult LGBTQ+ community faces. In this episode of our Longevity series, SAGECare trainer Britta Larson shares her Brief But Spectacular take on feeling at home. (Support for this episode provided by Cambia Health foundation) #newlongevity #longevity #olderadults #lgbtq+ #lgbtqplus

  • Ximena Abogabir felt an emotional sting around age 70 when her colleagues in Santiago, Chile, began to treat her less as an asset and more as a liability. This form of ageism is unfortunately not uncommon, and for many older workers it may start at an even earlier age. Her own experience, along with rising stereotypes about older people's value in the workplace and society, inspired her to co-create "Travesía Cien," an organization to help counter ageism in her country and beyond. In this episode of our longevity series, Ximena shares how cultivating a positive mindset can help transform the "journey to 100." (Support for this episode provided by AARP)

  • Bridge Meadows is an innovative multigenerational housing community in Oregon that cultivates healing and connection for foster youth, their families, and older adults. In the first episode of our Longevity series, we meet residents Kathy, Brian, Josie, Victor and Kamari. This is their Brief But Spectacular take on family. (Support for this episode provided by Cambia Health foundation) #Longevity

