Congratulations to the Women's Affordable Housing Network (WAHN) scholarship winners! Their dedication to building a network of university level #WAHN chapters & encouraging their talented peers to join them in pursuing careers in the #affordablehousingindustry is beyond inspiring. Cheers to these #WAHNderful young leaders! Women's Affordable Housing Network (WAHN) WAHN at UNC Chapel Hill WAHN at Columbia University WAHN at New York University #WAHNatCornell #Learn #Connect #Strengthen #Advocate
We're thrilled to announce that WAHN has awarded four $5,000 college scholarships to emerging leaders in affordable housing! Congratulations to our talented scholarship winners—Isabelle Norman at WAHN at UNC Chapel Hill, Katia Rakitskaya at WAHN at Columbia University, Clara Smith at WAHN at New York University and Eva Nguyen at WAHN at Cornell. As proud members of WAHN U. chapters, these future innovators are committed to transforming affordable housing after graduation. Join us in celebrating their dedication and bright futures! #WAHN #Scholarships #AffordableHousing #FutureLeaders #WAHNU