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Providing services: Real Estate Marketing, Commercial Real Estate, Property Law, Relocation, Real Estate, Financial Advisory, Negotiation, Property Management, Real Estate Appraisal, Life Coaching
Summary: As the leader of Al Maha Properties, I am known as a result orientated individual with a tenacious nature and passion for property management. By founding Al Maha Properties in 1998, I offer my clients the highest standard of property management with a peace of mind I am a firm believer of never giving up and have persevered and grown this company through the construction boom of Dubai and the recessions after. I cherish my relationships with my clients over the deals done and have developed a portfolio of clients who have been with me since the start of Al Maha Properties. I take on each day in pursuit of continuous improvement of oneself with the same open mind I moved to Dubai with 30 years ago. Always on the lookout for opportunities that will allow me to take my company to new heights and be the best real estate provider in Dubai.
Providing services: Negotiation, Leadership Development, Training, Corporate Training, Executive Coaching, Career Development Coaching, Business Consulting
Summary: Napsal jsem knihu ‘Umění vyjednat cokoliv’, která se stala za 5 tydn? bestsellerem. Jsem spoluautor nejnověj?í knihy Chrise Vosse ‘Empathetic Leadership’. Cely ?ivot vedu lidi k lep?ím vysledk?m. Ve sportu, mezi lidmi s handicapem i v byznysu – pomocí trénink? rétoriky a vyjednáváním, rozvojem mana?er? a budováním zdravě rostoucích firem. A p?edávám p?itom dál to, co jsem si sám za?il. Odmali?ka jsem byl introvert a p?ekonával p?eká?ky. Mluvit p?ed lidmi pro mě byvala no?ní m?ra. Dodnes si pamatuju, kdy? jsem poprvé mluvil na celofiremním sjezdu Schwarz Gruppe. Na mě zá?e reflektor?, p?ede mnou stovky mana?er? plní o?ekávání. Sho?el jsem. Pět minut jsem něco blábolil a pak jsem se studem odběhl z pódia. Bylo to rétorické peklo. A já věděl, ?e tohle u? nechci nikdy za?ít. Pro?el jsem v?echny kurzy rétoriky v Německu, Rakousku a ?vycarsku. P?e?etl jsem v?echny zásadní knihy, které o psychologii ovlivňování vy?ly. A pak jsem v?echno roky poctivě testoval. Díky tomu vím, co funguje. A taky vím, ?e na vět?ině kurz? se u?í naprosté kraviny. A u?í je lidi, kte?í v ?ivotě na ?ádné vedoucí pozici nebyli. Nemuseli stát p?ed tisícovkou na?tvanych zaměstnanc?. Nemuseli ?elit tlaku na hospodá?sky vysledek. Nemuseli se zodpovídat p?edstavenstvu. Já si toto v?echno pro?il. Od roku 2003 se pohybuju na TOP mana?erskych pozicích. Nejvíce ?asu jsem strávil ve Schwarz Gruppe – největ?í obchodní skupině v Evropě, pod kterou spadá Lidl nebo Kaufland. P?sobil jsem v p?edstavenstvu a vedl jsem v?echna zásadní vyjednávání. ?ídil jsem strategicky rozvoj Kauflandu ve vychodní Evropě a dostal ho z ?ervenych do ?ernych ?ísel. V polském Kauflandu jsem na pozici místop?edsedy p?edstavenstva nastartoval opat?ení k zisku ocenění Zaměstnavatel roku 2017 a 2018. V?echno ale nebylo v?dycky r??ové. I já jsem za?il krizi. Krizi z p?epracování, krizi ze ?patně nastavenych priorit. Takto to ?lo několik měsíc?. Pak jsem se podíval do zrcadla a uviděl p?esně to, ?eho jsem se d?ív hrozil. ?lověka se za?edlym bělmem a uniformním ú?esem. ?lověka bez radosti a osobního ?ivota. V ten moment jsem změnil p?ístup. Dnes je to moje největ?í vyhoda. Nejsem ?ádny ?ba???ká?“, ktery si na?etl pár chytrych kní?ek a te? o nich p?edná?í. V?echno jsem si to za?il. Vím, jaké to je vést 10, 100, nebo 10 000 zaměstnanc?. Vím, ?ím si prochází p?etí?ení mana?e?i. Vím, co musí splňovat firma, pokud má byt úspě?ná. A taky vím, ?e pro vystupování p?ed lidmi, pro vedení lidí a pro zásadní změny ve fungování firem, pot?ebujete jednu věc. Odvahu. A p?esně tu Vám pomohu najít. ? ?
Providing services: Management Consulting, Marketing Consulting, Negotiation, Training, Change Management, Leadership Development, Team Building, Corporate Training, Career Development Coaching, Executive Coaching
Summary: We are your partner in managing staffing Solutions and support services. Putting Quality at the forefront of everything we do regarding placement, outsourcing and creative employment solutions. Our role is to support you to focus on your core business. Our ethos at Harmony of Target is to build relationships and rapport so that we can best understand your needs for your organization.
Providing services: Career Development Coaching, Event Coordination, Event Planning, Customer Service, Human Resources (HR), Event Production, Property Management, Negotiation, Team Building, HR Consulting
Summary: A dedicated, resourceful and goal-driven hospitality professional with a solid commitment to succeed. Motivated and driven leader with strong organizational, hotel management and prioritization abilities as well as excellent communication skills with a strong solution based thinking demonstrated by a track record of exceeding goals and guest expectations for superior service ratings. Master recruiter who is also skilled in training and developing talents, establishing rapport with clients, owners and driving overall operational improvements.
Providing services: Negotiation, Leadership Development, Career Development Coaching, Executive Coaching, Marketing Strategy, Insurance, Management Consulting
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Providing services: Diversity & Inclusion, Interview Preparation, Negotiation, Resume Review, Team Building
Summary: - Goal Oriented Technical Recruiter skilled at recruiting, sourcing and screening job applicants in a Software Engineers/Developer, technical field. Proficient in recruiting software including LinkedIn recruiter and Seekout. Recognized for filling several positions - Dynamic and data driven with success in creating and executing novel associate engagement and company initiatives that consistently achieve milestones and preserve operational integrity - Track record of using innovative recruiting methods and special recruiting events to ensure a qualified and diverse candidate pool - Excellent communicator with exceptional interpersonal, problem-solving skills, relationship building and strategic skills #Sourcer #TechIndustry # Software Engineer My Competencies & Skills Sourcing | IT recruitment/ technical/ non-technical | Phone Screening |Scheduling Interviews | Coordination| Communication | Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Job Boards: Monster, Dice, Career Builder, Indeed, LinkedIn Recruiter ATS: gHire, Ceipal Mass Emailing: Outlook, Google mail Digital Recruiting: LinkedIn, Google Groups, Facebook, Whats App groups Other: MS Office, Google Sheet, and Excel
Providing services: File Management, Invoice Processing, Filing, Negotiation, Data Reporting, Customer Support
Summary: Involving in the field of Logistics and Supply Chain since 2007, Works with customs agents, warehouse staff, shipping companies and clients. Shipping, receiving and record keeping for international transactions. Verify that all documentation adheres to import-export policies and laws. Deals with each step of the shipping process. Tracks shipments and communicate with clients about the package's progress. Coordinate shipping with customs agents for clearance on overseas deliveries. Also deal with quotes from prospective shippers and handle claims with insurance companies if any shipment problems happen to occur. My main task is to provide efficient delivery logistics through data management. Fill out import-export documentation, compile carrier and route assignments, compute international fees for each shipment and keep track of shipment payments and quotas. Much of this work is done using automated systems that can identify shipments, collect data and register packages with government agencies.
Providing services: Career Development Coaching, Corporate Training, Change Management, Diversity & Inclusion, Executive Coaching, Interview Preparation, Leadership Development, Life Coaching, Negotiation, Public Speaking
Summary: I am a Human Resource Manager with 10+ years of impressive experience in core facets of HR, administration, paralegal and employee relations management, adept at innovating solutions for fostering empowerment of human resources, possessing allied exposure in organizational development, aligned with affiliated verticals of recruitment, mentoring, professional training, personnel management & leadership initiatives. I am in quest of a pivotal role in a dynamic organization to utilize accrued HR acumen, towards leveraging organizational initiatives.? ? As apparent from my CV, my work till date has provided me with a thorough insight into the labyrinths of human resource & finance, this combined with my holistic experience as a Human Resources and Administration Manager - enables me to draw upon my experiences, interpret and apply them in a customized business perspective. What deserves to be highlighted is that, I am a competent professional honed with deep understanding of HR role in the organization and employment contexts. I have spearheaded the entire recruitment process right from identifying manpower needs to final selection of candidate, created and implemented successfully new policies for compensation & benefits managed and trained payroll team and conducted in-house trainings for my previous employers. I possess valuable insight, keen analysis and team approach to implement best HR practices. I have hands on experience in managing plans and staffing in the organization. What deserves to be highlighted is that, I have gained a remarkable achievement in receiving several honors and awards during my entire tenure.? ? ?My key skills revolve around human resource management, employee relations, compensation & benefits, conflict resolution, change management, recruitment/selection, talent engagement & acquisition, payroll management, appraisal/job evaluation, performance management and training/development. Moreover, my education and extensive background, along with my management abilities, have allowed me to dramatically improve human resources departments and functions throughout my career.? ? My expertise in developing manpower plans/forecasts and to design and deliver solutions to address those needs to attract, engage and retain the best employees gives me a unique and informed perspective from which I can add significant value to your business and make me a valuable team member.? ? My attached CV details my experience.? I look forward to the opportunity to meet with you to discuss my qualifications further.? ?
Summary: A Challenging career in the field of Solar Energy
Providing services: Commercial Real Estate, Real Estate, Negotiation, Trust and Estate Litigation, Engineering Design, Architecture, Interior Design, Landscape Design
Summary: Experiencia amplia en Secror de la Construcción, Inversiones nmobiliarias, Bienes Raices y Activos, Conozco todos los aspectos de los procesos y fases de una adquisición, permisos, proyectos y ejecución de obras; Todas las fases de la comercialización de bienes Inmuebles asi como activos Hipotecarios, con una formación de mas de 30 a?os en el ramo Inmobiliario; (Desarrollando y vendiendo). Mis inicios fueron como; asesor inmobiliario desde los 18 a?os. Tengo la capacidad de vender cualquier bien mueble o inmueble. promocion de Inversion, activos Hipotecarios, proyectos llave en mano, dise?o de tu espacio ideal de acuerdo a necesidades y gustos. La única condicionante es que me agrade; esa es la clave, donde pueda sentirme muy bien como usuario final.