• Hadiqa Bukhari

    Providing services: Content Strategy, Blogging, Writing, User Experience Writing, Ghostwriting, Resume Writing

    Lahore District

    5.0 (2 reviews) Overall rating of 5 based on 2 reviews

    Profile Picture
    Muhammad Hamza · June 2023

    Everything went exceptionally fine with Hadiqa!

  • Janja Jovanovic

    Providing services: Digital Marketing, Email Marketing, Lead Generation, Public Speaking, Content Strategy, Brand Marketing, Corporate Training, Executive Coaching, Growth Marketing


  • Camila Coutinho

    Providing services: Social Media Marketing, Leadership Development, Advertising, Brand Consulting, Marketing Consulting, Marketing Strategy, Blogging, Product Marketing, Content Strategy, Content Marketing

    Recife, PE

    Summary: Com mais de 18 anos de carreira, Camila foi e continua sendo a pioneira na escalada da influência digital no Brasil, abrindo novos territórios da cria??o de conteúdo e transformando o mercado de comunica??o e marketing para marcas e comunidades. Criou o blog Garotas Estúpidas em 2006, que hoje é uma plataforma de conteúdo que conta com mais de 1,2MM de seguidores e, em 2020, fundou a GE Beauty, sua própria marca de produtos de beleza. Em 2017, entrou para a lista das 500 pessoas mais influentes do mundo da moda do site britanico Business of Fashion e em 2018, lan?ou seu primeiro livro,”Estúpida, eu?”. Foi eleita em 2020 uma das mulheres mais poderosas do Brasil pela revista Forbes e uma das mulheres brasileiras mais influentes atualmente pela revista Pequenas Empresas, Grandes Negócios.

  • Babba (Canales) Rivera

    Providing services: Social Media Marketing, Marketing Consulting, Content Strategy, Event Marketing, Brand Marketing, Public Relations

    New York, NY

    Summary: Babba C Rivera (previously known as Babba Canales) is an award-winning founder with experience working in fashion, beauty and tech in Stockholm, Berlin and New York. Babba is listed in the 2016 Forbes’ list of the top “30 Under 30” in the field of marketing and advertising, and was named Sweden’s ‘top talent’ of 2016 by Veckans Aff?rer, one of the country’s largest business magazines. Babba's work has been featured and profiled in major magazines, newspapers, television programs, podcasts and various other print and digital media. With a reputation as one of the most dynamic and accomplished young innovators and leaders in the increasingly important area of digital brand marketing and Direct-to-Consumer brands, Babba has launched her own DTC beauty brand Ceremonia, a clean haircare brand rooted in Latinx heritage.

  • Dina Town

    Providing services: Copywriting, Content Strategy, Marketing Strategy, Brand Marketing, Digital Marketing, Content Marketing, Brand Consulting, Marketing Consulting

    Great Hatfield

    Summary: Imagine waking up to an inbox full of people wanting to work with you. People who already know who you are, have no doubts in your ability to deliver, and won’t fight back when they hear the price. Sounds pretty good? It is. And despite how things look right now, it isn’t some unattainable dream reserved for big names with even bigger followings. In fact, you have something they don’t have. The opportunity to build a ready-to-buy audience from day one. Sure, you won’t have 50k+ followers, 3k likes, and 600 comments on all your posts. But you will be making money. And in the end, how much money you’re making is the only LinkedIn metric that matters. This is the way of the Authority builder. Because you’re thinking about your client’s problem, you’re creating targeted content. Because you’re creating targeted content, you’re getting noticed. Because you’re getting noticed, you’re getting inbound leads. Because you’re getting inbound leads, you make money. Simple in theory, but a nightmare to execute. I’ve lived that life for 3+ years, made every mistake in the book, and learned how to make 6 figures a year from LinkedIn the hard way. And trust me, that’s a headache you don’t want to deal with. Which is where The Authority Club comes in. It’s a community for professionals who understand that results come from applying proven methods day in, day out. Here’s how it works: Phase 1 - we package your Authority Assets based on your BIG 3: the Problem you solve, your Ideal Client, and your Uniqueness, and use them to position you as an expert your clients can trust. Phase 2 - we design your Authority Offer based on your BIG 3. You’ll get proven plug-n-play Offer Models with 7-figure potential. (B2B, B2smallB, and B2C.) Then, once this strategy starts landing weekly Qualified Inbound Leads & Sales, Phase 3 begins. This is where we start working on scaling your income by pushing the right buttons to level up your Business & LinkedIn game. But we don’t stop there: You’ll have Office Hours with Stevan & myself twice a week, where you can ask us anything LIVE, and get our full support. Also, you get access to regular Workshops, where we’ll work on implementing our Authority Blueprint into your business. Finally, you get our help structuring your Offers, nailing down both your LinkedIn Profile & Content, and turning it into a system that helps you run your business at scale. Sounds good? Great. DM me “AUTHORITY”, and I’ll send you the full details.

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  • Ganeshprasad S

    Providing services: Business Consulting, Content Strategy


    Summary: Did you notice something common between Martin Luther king Jr, Adolf Hitler and Steve Jobs! All 3 of them had the superpower to bring about a revolution because all 3 of them were storytellers. Storytelling is a skill that can turn a commoner into a king and I am here to help you become that king/queen provided you don’t become hitler. I specialise in teaching complex business concepts to a 15 year old :) To enroll for the online communication masterclass click the link - https://www.thethinkschool.co.in/ For Keynote speeches, Corporate training, business consultancy and Sponsorship enquiry : please get in touch with Parsh (My buisness Manager and Co-founder) @ [email protected]

  • Saheli Chatterjee

    Providing services: Business Consulting, Brand Consulting, Marketing Consulting, Content Marketing, Content Strategy, Email Marketing, Growth Marketing, Copywriting


    Summary: If you are looking for a Social Media Marketing Specialist, I can help you. Hi, I am Saheli Chatterjee, the founder of AmbiFem, an agency that is dedicated towards growing your brand organically with the help of Social Media. I’m a Marketing Expert for Coaches, Consultants, and Service-based Businesses. I specialize in working with people who are looking to create or grow income streams through coaching or consulting by using my marketing expertise to get them more clients. I help passion-driven coaches, consultants, entrepreneurs build businesses they love by attracting High-Quality clients using Social Media Marketing. Are you ready to take your business to the next level? ?Let me show you how! I will work with you to help you step-by-step identify what it is you are selling and the end result you are working toward, craft a marketing plan that is unique to your needs, create templates and documents you can use over and over again so you can actually implement your plan and see results. I have 3+ years of experience in Social Media and I have grown multiple accounts from scratch- both organically and through paid ads. I help my clients grow their audience and business by leveraging the power of Social Media and Video Marketing. I have over 5 years of experience in YouTube and Instagram Growth using Video Marketing. ?? Execute two multiple-5 figure launches with a client-centric online marketing strategy ?? Six-Figure Course Launches Strategies ?? Helped my clients hit $10k Months ?? 10x their email lists, generate 100s of leads using social media channels like Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube- both organically and through paid advertising ?? Grow their Personal Brands, Businesses and Monetize their Passions. ?? Consulted 200+ People to get Clients on Social Media Freelancers in Service-Based Industries. Contact me if you want to grow your Personal Brand and Business on Facebook,Instagram, or YouTube. The Services I offer : 1. Social Media Management (across major social media platforms) 2. Social Media Strategy ( Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn & YouTube) 3. Instagram Strategy & Management (Organic & Paid) 4. Youtube Strategy & Management 5. Facebook Ads Management 6. Content Marketing & Content Creation 7. Marketing Copy that Converts to bring you Sales Message me "Marketing" and I'll help you get more clients so you can help more people:)

  • Brittinay Lenhart

    Providing services: Management Consulting, Corporate Training, Brand Marketing, Strategic Planning, Content Strategy

    United States

    Summary: Work Culture Consultant guides company executives to elevate psychological safety for employees through highly customized emotional intelligence training & Culture SWOT analysis. Brittinay supports executives through the process of evaluating the environment of their workplace so they can identify which elements of their culture aren’t working and reprogram outdated systems. She then helps leadership teams strategically humanize their internal processes, empowering them to restructure and rebrand their culture so that employees can flourish at work, and executives can continue to gain (and retain!) the best talent. Raising our teams EQ requires that we assess our environments and the way we participate within them, and then evaluate how we can show up with greater empathy and humanity - how we can serve from a place of connectedness rather than divisiveness. Emotionally intelligent leadership teams build happy, healthy and unified work cultures, thus creating a cohesive space in which employees’ unique gifts can freely shine.

  • Luca Naj-Oleari

    Providing services: Social Media Marketing, Marketing Consulting, Content Strategy, Brand Marketing, Digital Marketing


    Summary: Sono un imprenditore che lavora da più di 10 anni nel mondo della comunicazione. Sono Ceo di Almacreativa, una realtà specializzata in idee, strategie e contenuti per un mondo digitale.

  • Sheila Vasan Singla

    Providing services: Executive Coaching, Leadership Development, Content Strategy, Change Management, Team Building
