ZYNQ program is solidified to FLASH and SD card
Ali Shan??
Digital Design Engineer | Verification | Semiconductor Industry | FPGA Prototyping | Soc | Verification | RTL | Xilinx | PCIe | SDR | Biomedical | IEC62304
The SDK project directory is as follows after launch the Vivado project in SDK?
First step: Board Support Package Setting?
1.Right click on hello_world_bsp and click Board Support Package Settings.
2.Tick to include xilffs click OK (This is required for the next step to create the FSBL)
Second Step: create the FSBL
Create a first stage bootloader (FSBL).
1.Select File > New > Application Project.
2.Enter zynq_fsbl as the project name, select the Use existing standalone Board Support Package option with hello_world_bsp, and click Next.
3.Select Zynq FSBL in the Available Templates pane and click Finish.
(A zynq_fsbl project will be created which will be used in creating the BOOT.bin or MCS file.)?
Third Step:Create Boot Image
1. You can create a new folder, such as image, to save boot files.
2.In the SDK, select Xilinx > Create Boot Image.
3. Select output bif with bin File path and file.?
Note: Boot image partitions The order and settings of the three files in the file should be correct, and there will be hints if they are not.?
Fourth step:Flash
1. If it is cured into Flash, first set the jumper to JTAG mode.
The ZC702 board supports these configuration options:
??PS Configuration: Quad SPI flash memory
??PS Configuration: Processor System Boot from SD Card (J64)
??PL Configuration: USB JTAG configuration port (Diligent module)
??PL Configuration: Platform cable header J2 and flying lead header J58 JTAG configuration ports??
2.Select Xilinx > Program Flash.
3. Choose Image File, offset Set to 0, Flash Type FSBL File, Click Program
Blank check after erase with Verify after flash Optional, get lonely. in Console.
There will be a lot of useful information displayed:?
Fifth step:boot the SD card
There is only one step for card operation:
will produce bin Copy files to SD card in the card, the jumper is set to SD Card boot mode, that's it.
The ZC702 board supports these configuration options:
??PS Configuration: Quad SPI flash memory
??PS Configuration: Processor System Boot from SD Card (J64)
??PL Configuration: USB JTAG configuration port (Diligent module)
??PL Configuration: Platform cable header J2 and flying lead header J58 JTAG configuration ports??
note: Just copy bin the file will do, sometimes it is necessary to format the SD card (FAT32 formatted) 。
For More Information
contact me: https://www.dhirubhai.net/in/ali-shan-a296b21b9/
Phone no # +923421404611