Zwei Workshop Tipps aus dem Consulting: Sopra Steria Next / EightAdvisory

Zwei Workshop Tipps aus dem Consulting: Sopra Steria Next / EightAdvisory

Zwei Consulting-Tipps aus dem LMU Career Service der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit?t München

HEUTE – 12.10.2022 / 17:15 / online

Sopra Steria Next : Strategieberatung: Industrielle Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien

Industrielle Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien anders denken! Ein Einblick in die digitale Strategieberatung mit Sopra Steria Next


Direkter Zoom - Teilnahmelink

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DO 20.10.2022 / 17:30 – ca. 19:00 – local

EIGHT ADVISORY – Introduction into Strategy Consulting / M&A / Transaction Services

You can expect internships, traineeships and also full-time positions. You will work as fully integrated team member on planning, executing and delivering Transaction Services (primarily Financial Due Diligence in buy- and sell-side transactions) for international and national private equity and corporate clients. From the beginning you get responsibility on our Financial Due Diligence projects?and you will get an intensive training on the job to deepen your understanding of the mechanisms of buy- and sell-side M&A processes. You will receive a performance orientated and fair remuneration and you will be supported in your professional exams and qualification. Your counsellor will available to support you for your personnel and professional development and sponsor you for your future career.

Anmeldung / Ort: Hansa Haus, Brienner Str. 39, München

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Für beide Events gibt es auf Wunsch ein Workshop





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