Zuper Zero
When Zuper Zero was growing up, he wasn’t a Superhero. In fact, he wasn’t anything special. On top of that, his name wasn’t Zuper Zero. It was just Derek. Well, Derek was a nice enough name. It was better than some he had heard. But, that wasn’t the point. The point was that he wasn’t anything at all.
Maybe you’re familiar with a story like this. Maybe, you’ve felt that way yourself sometimes.
One day, Derek met a superhero. He was just a boy, a bit younger than Derek. And, Derek became his friend. But, Electron was a superhero. And, Derek was still nothing.
There were other superheroes in those days – Red, and Green, and a few others. Derek was welcome to sit in their planning meetings. Sometimes, he even had ideas. And, it seemed that the superheroes all listened to them. But, it felt strange being the only non-superhero in that group. He was only their friend.
Those superheroes would go on rescue missions to free other superheroes from time to time. Of course, Derek never went along. What would he have done if he had? Derek had no superpowers.
Derek’s superhero friends recognized something about Derek a long time before he did. They recognized that Derek had one of the best superpowers of all. And, as Zuper Zero came to say, “Everyone’s a superhero. They just may not know it.”
How long will it take Derek to recognize that he is a superhero? When will he start to be called Zuper Zero? The story continues with Zuper Zero and the other books in this series – Red, Zuper Zed, and Raven.