Dr. Horacio Lewis (Pro-Democracy Activist) Seeker
LinkedIn TOP COACH and COMMUNITY VOICE; schedule a meeting to drive and support your ethical choices
Zucker’s Ministry of Service and Advancement!
Yes, I think I would go with that focus Mr. Mark Zuckerberg.
While not a traditional ministry of reverends and priests, its focus would be to help humankind to survive life while assisting others to do the same. Indeed, you may even consider excluding the clergy from this endeavor; and instead, examine the tried and true, the body of work of random individuals and organizations, rather than making the mistake of giving money to familiar or generous sounding institutions such as school districts in Newark, NJ, which may in the end make the cut, but shouldn’t be a given.
If you really want to make a difference, you need to think outside the box just as you have successfully done with Facebook. In this case however, you would be looking for agencies and, particularly, individuals who are not looking to get rich but to benefit from and distribute your wealth in a fair and empathetic manner. You would be offering “Zucker Grants” designed to encourage individuals to help themselves up the ladder while lending a hand to others in the process.
You would research organizations and individuals with proven records of service to others without consideration for their own bank accounts. You can easily find them in our communities. Send your people out into the streets and community groups. Ask questions regarding the needs of people they see and serve. Have them commit themselves to not taking more than $100,000.00 or less for overhead (much of which they will donate anyway). If they are not willing to do this, then, they are out of the running, as the money is for the needy; not the greedy!
Then you will undoubtedly need a regular follow-up mechanism to ensure proper agreed-upon distribution of funds and effective results. Your $billions can make a difference if you do it the right way and with the proper mindset and guidance.
I applaud your commitment to help those who are in dire straits—needing assistance for food, health, housing, education/training…providing they commit to giving back as they move forward in life.
May you use your good fortune fairly, wisely, knowledgeably and with great understanding.