Zscaler App connector troubleshooting
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?Zscaler Private Access (ZPA) App Connector troubleshooting:
?1. What steps should be taken if an App Connector is not connected to the cloud?
If an App Connector is not connected to the cloud, and you receive an error message indicating that the App Connector is not connected, it could be due to the App Connector being deleted from the ZPA Admin Portal. To resolve this issue:
1. Remove the App Connector from the deployed platform.
2. Log in to the App Connector console using admin credentials.
3. Stop the zpa-connector service using sudo systemctl stop zpa-connector.
4. Switch to the root user using sudo su.
5. Delete the App Connector using rm -rf /opt/zscaler/var/*.
6. Switch back to a regular user with the exit command.
7. Restart the zpa-connector service using sudo systemctl restart zpa-connector.
?2. How can DNS failures impact the ZPA App Connector, and what can be done to resolve them?
A DNS failure might occur if the ZPA App Connector cannot resolve DNS queries, which can prevent the App Connector from enrolling successfully. This is often due to incorrect file permissions for the user account “zscaler.” To resolve this issue, correct the file permission on /etc/resolv.conf to allow the “zscaler” user account to read it.
?3. What is the impact of SSL interceptions on ZPA App Connectors, and how can this be mitigated?
ZPA does not support SSL interceptions because it uses TLS connections with pinned certificates. If SSL interception is attempted, the connection between the App Connector and the ZPA cloud will fail. To avoid this issue, all ZPA domains or IP addresses should be allowlisted in the SSL interception device to bypass SSL inspection.
?4. What should you do if an App Connector is experiencing high memory usage or memory leaks?
High memory usage or memory leaks should be routinely monitored. If issues are detected, run a script to collect memory reports every minute over a period of time. This data can be provided to Zscaler Support for further analysis. The script involves capturing system information and monitoring memory usage at regular intervals.
?5. What could cause an App Connector to frequently disconnect from the ZPA cloud, and how can you troubleshoot this?
Frequent disconnections between an App Connector and the ZPA cloud could be due to various reasons, such as an App Connector restart, routing issues, or firewall memory states. Troubleshooting steps include:
- Checking if the disconnection is on the control or data connection.
- Investigating patterns in the disconnection.
- Performing ICMP pings and checking firewall states.
- Reviewing logs to identify any consistent issues.
?6. How do you address an App Connector upgrade failure?
If an App Connector upgrade fails, consider the following steps:
1. Restart the App Connector.
2. Ensure no processes are running for the zscaler user.
3. Check network connectivity and logs.
4. Test TLS connectivity using the openssl command.
5. If needed, revert to the default App Connector version by removing the current binary image, version identifier, and metadata files, and then restarting the App Connector.
6. If the problem persists, wipe and rebuild the App Connector configuration.
?7. What might cause an App Connector to report an ID of zero, and how can this be resolved?
An App Connector ID might be reported as zero if the Central Authority cannot determine an application or resolve the connection. This can occur due to session status codes like APP_NOT_REACHABLE, INVALID_DOMAIN, or NO_CONNECTOR_AVAILABLE. To resolve this, review the session status codes and ensure that the App Connector is correctly configured and connected.
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