. . . the ability of a microbe to jump from an animal host to a human one, of which the current Covid19 pandemic is a salient example. The Food & Agriculture arm of the United Nations made this statement back in 2013:
“Livestock health is the weakest link in our global health chain.”
People love CHEAP MEAT. The average American eats around 200 lbs. a year, more than half a pound a day. And cheap meat comes from industrial livestock operations, where animals are kept in despicable, overcrowded, inhumane and unsanitary conditions. Because farmed animals are bred for certain traits and are often genetically identical, a rogue microbe does not encounter resistance based on genetic variance, but can spread to the entire population.
And when that microbe (in this case a virus) is able to infect a human host, we have no immunity to that organism – bingo – WORLD PANDEMIC! On our crowded planet, this will remain the new normal until we close down industrial livestock operations. If you want to be part of the solution, think about what you’re supporting with your consumer dollar!