Zoomed out?
There can be no doubt – without tech we would never have made it to where we are today.
Tech has kept us connected. It has kept is informed. It has made work possible. But spending up to 8 hours plus on Zoom or Teams each day can be exhausting!
If you’ve been feeling zoom’ed out lately, here are 5 tips to help manage down Zoom fatigue.
1. Check you really need to be there
Back-to-back meetings can leave you with little or no time to get your work done. Check that you really need to be in each meeting. Get into the practice of setting agendas for your own meetings and asking for agendas. Increase outputs from meetings by making it clear what you need from people during the meeting, and by sending any pre-work beforehand if possible.
2. Schedule five-minute breathers
It’s good for both body and mind if you can get up from your desk and have a leg stretcher every so often - not to mention grabbing a coffee or a snack! Start meetings at 5 past the hour, or better yet, 10 past.
3. Be calm. Try not to fidget or swing on your chair.
Remove unnecessary distractions so that people can hear you and listen to what you say. Fidgeting or swinging on your chair removes focus from the words and the messages you want to get across. The less time we spend repeating ourselves, the shorter meetings will be!
4. Listen in. Lean forward. Check understanding.
We’re missing the subtle cues of in person contact. To make others feel heard and recognised, lean into the camera now and then, and respond with a hand or head gesture like a nod. This is also called immediacy, and it shows people you are present for the conversation.
5. Smile, laugh. Not every meeting needs to be serious!
Use riddles or ice breakers for some of your meetings, change up the format a little. Questions to open up a meeting also allow team members to get to know each other better. You can find plenty of these online.
What works best for you?
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