Zoom on: the IMF-World Bank Annual Meetings 2010 & 2011
As one of the world's leading conference system manufacturers, TAIDEN has contributed to many prestigious projects. Today, we are going to introduce one of the most noted projects — the IMF-World Bank Annual Meetings.?We have cooperated with organizer of the IMF-World Bank Annual Meetings many times. And such good cooperative relationship is based on the trustworthy products and reliable service that TAIDEN offered. We started involving in this project at 2010 IMF-World Bank Annual Meetings.?It took place in Washington D.C. October 8-10, 2010 and was attended by more than ten thousand participants during these three days.
The annual meetings brought together 187 central bank governors, ministers of finance and development, private sector executives, academics and media people to discuss issues of global concern, such as major world economic recovery, financial sector reform, etc. It is designed to foster creative dialogue among the private sector, government delegates and senior Bank and Fund officials.
This 3-day annual meetings have applied a large number of TAIDEN conference products. There are 4,300 seats with TAIDEN HCS-5100 Digital Infrared Receivers, 178 seats with HCS-4100/20 series Fully Digital Congress System chairman/delegate units for speakers, 42 pieces HCS-4385 Fully Digital Interpreter Units for interpreters, management software modules of HCS-4100 Series and HCS-5300 Series and several pieces of HCS-4211M/29 Broadcast Standard Audio Distributors for simultaneous live broadcasting for media. All these products composed an overall and practical conferencing solution.
Solid TAIDEN conference system delivered a perfect performance and contributed significantly to a successful course of the 2010 IMF-World Bank Annual Meetings. After the event, Chief of Audio Visual at IMF and the World Bank declared:" After years of doing the Annual Meetings, the conference and simultaneous interpretation system never worked better than this year!"
Thanks to the outstanding performance during 2010 Annual Meetings, the organizing committee decided for TAIDEN to serve in next year's Annual Meetings too, which is the 2011 IMF-World Bank Annual Meetings held in Washington D.C. September 23-25, 2011.
In all, there are 1,500 TAIDEN HCS-5300 Infrared Receivers, 42 Digital Interpreter Units, 64 Fully Digital Conference Units as well as multiple conference management software modules for flexible operation and HCS-4112M/29 Standard Audio Distributors for media recording. Above all, the most notably was the TAIDEN HCS-8300 Paperless Multimedia Congress System which has already been installed in the board room of the World Bank Headquarters. Its advanced features and the excellent quality impressed the participants. Once again, the stable performance of the TAIDEN products and the efficient on-site service of the technical team were highly praised.
High performance products, highly efficient team service and highly professional conference solutions. That is the reason why we can win so many projects around world and gain the appreciation from our customers.