I went to the zoo today for the first time in my life. I had been looking for some attractions nearby that would help me feel at ease and relaxed for this last stretch of SpringBreak. Something struck me as odd while I was gawking at the animals like every other patron there. First, I was taking way to many pictures, almost as if I had went to the Zoo to show everyone else on my newsfeed and timeline that I was there and yes, I do have a life! The second thing was the fact that I was staring at an animal go about its day and live its life. There is something to say about the enclosures that the animals are kept in. Whether one would assume that they live in luxury is purely up to interpretation and also hard to dissect as its a one way conversation. I do not think that Lions would prefer an enclosure as opposed to the open 'wild.' This then had me thinking, just because we can not understand another living creature does not mean that we should view them as inferior. I mean, COLONIZATION. We as humans seemingly walk around the earth as Gods amongst all other lifeforms but history has repeatedly taught us the importance of synergy and not hierarchy. Maybe its just me!!!


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