Zombie Accounts
Writing the Zombie Account entry for the Open-Measure dictionary has been a nice opportunity to dive into the related research (thanks to Zhang et al. 2019, Deng et al. 2016 and Wu et al. 2013 to name a few).
Even though we find diverging definitions for this term, the most common concept relates to fake digital identities often (but not only) created on social media to masquerade praise or criticism.
Their prevention or detection is a hard problem as Zombie Account Managers tend to continuously adapt to fall between the cracks, leading to an endless cat-and-mouse game.
As always, synthetizing pages of research in a succinct yet accurate definition has been a challenge. I hope you will find it informative.
The complete dictionary entry on Open-Measure: Zombie Account.
And the LinkedIn feed to stay attuned: Open-Measure.