ZOHO AI - Build and Manage Object Detection Model
ZOHO AI - Build and Manage Object Detection Model??
ZOHO Creator
AI Modeler
Object Detection Model
In this page, we will be looking at,
Build Object Detection Model
i) Train Model - To train the custom model
iI) Test Model To test the model's performance
Manage Object Detection Model
i) Publish and Use Model - To deploy the model in your applications
To set up an object detection model, follow these 4 steps:
Step 1: Create an object detection model??
3. Click the??Create button??in the??AI Models card. The??AI Models home page contains two model types -??Custom models that can be built according to the needs of the user and??Ready-To-Use??models that can immediately be deployed into their applications.
Note : You can create both custom and ready-to-use object detection models. To learn more about the model types, ?refer here .
Step 2: Add training data??
Training data is the initial dataset that is used by the object detection model to analyze data patterns, make interpretations, and arrive at a learning to detect objects. You need to train the model so that it can perceive the input information correctly and make accurate decisions based on the information provided. This ensures that the model performs the way it's intended to. For the ?Object Detection model, a set of images of the object that needs to be detected has to be uploaded as the model training data.
Note :
10. Select a folder to??Rename or??Delete it. Click??Select All (ref above image) to??Rename or??Delete all object folders.
11. Click Next . The??Model Summary screen will open.
Step 3: Verify the model summary, train and test model??
After adding the training data, you can review the model details, such as Model Name, Model Type, Model Size, and Total Size. If you need to make any modifications, you can go back to do so. Otherwise, you can proceed to train the model.
Train Model??
Before you can actually use your object detection model in your application, you have to??train it to perform the way you want.
View and manage model details??
After the training is complete, the user can view the status of the model ( t rained, failed, and draft), the model type, the date it was created on and updated on, and other details as mentioned below.
Model Details??
Under this section, you can view the current version of your model and the names of the added objects.
Version Details??
In this section, you can view the number of versions the model has, what version the model is currently running on, model creation date, the count of objects and their images.
Note : To create a new version of your model, click??here to learn how.
Model Deployment??
In this section, you can view the??App Name ,??Form Name , and the??Field Names in which the model is deployed in. You can also filter between different??environments to check which environment a model is deployed in.
Test Model??
After training, you can test the model's reliability before deploying it in any of your applications. This ensures that the model identifies the test object correctly with a good/high ?confidence score .
??1. Click??Test Model in the top-right corner of the page that appears after the model is successfully trained. This allows you to test the model's accuracy before publishing it.
After testing your model, you'll get the identified object's name along with a??confidence score .
Manage Object Detection Model??
After you train your model, you need to publish it to make it available for deployment in your applications.
Note : You cannot un-publish the model once it has been published.You can still make changes to the model and train it again.
Retrain model ??
Retraining the model with the additional images and removing unfavorable images helps your model detect images more precisely. Reworking on the model's efficiency allows the model to be tuned specifically to your business perspective.
Note : We recommend that you periodically re-train your model. This helps in improving the object detection model's reliability and accuracy.
Step 4:??Publish and use model??
Publish model??
After you train and test your model, you can publish it to make it available to your users and start detecting objects.
Note: Once a model has been published, you cannot un-publish the same.
Use Model??
1. After the model has been published, you can click??Use Model either in the popup that appears or at the top-right corner of your page.
Note : The field name cannot exceed??30 characters in length.
You can now access your app in live and upload your image which needs to be detected in the??source field. The object detection field will try to detect the image and the image name will be displayed in the ?model output field.