Zip Codes of Medical Destiny

Zip Codes of Medical Destiny

When the PURE diet study papers roiled headlines around the world recently, I wrote an admittedly lengthy analysis. I didn’t feel I had much choice; the publications encompassed three distinct research papers, reams of data, and a whole lot of what proved to be mostly misguided interpretation of the findings by the media, and the investigators themselves. Getting the story sorted out reliably involved some heavy lifting, and considerable verbiage.

But, in the mix, was my succinct, summary judgment about the whole thing: poverty undermines reasonable eating. That, really, was the key message. 

Officially, PURE stands for “Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiology,” but I think “Poverty Undermines Reasonable Eating (and health, by the way)” would sum it up quite nicely. By way of brief reminder for those who already knew: the people in PURE who ate the most vegetables, fruits, and legumes had, by far, the lowest mortality rates. The people who ate the fewest vegetables, fruits, and legumes had by far the highest. 

If you are thinking that simple assertion is a very odd place for headlines telling us that vegetables and fruits no longer do anything for health this week- I am with you entirely. How was that even possible?

Well, the PURE populations with the best diets also had the best of everything else: educations, jobs, homes, safe environments.

In contrast, there were populations included in the study from some of the poorest countries on earth, notably Bangladesh and Pakistan, where high intake of “carbohydrate” was associated with high mortality rates. But the blame here, rather blatantly, did not reside with a macronutrient, but with macroeconomics. 

These were people dealing with poverty, all manner of deprivation, and getting by on little more than white rice; or, in the case of Zimbabwe, maize. We can all readily accept that a diet comprised almost entirely of just one food- any one food- because you have no other choices is a bad thing. 

That would be true if the one food were broccoli, or butter; bacon or beans- let alone white rice, or maize. The simple fact is, though, that rice and corn and wheat are among the least expensive, most readily available foods in subsistence populations, so when people are scraping by and trying not to starve, these- and neither broccoli nor butter- tend to be at hand. Thus, the utterly meaningless association between “carbohydrate” and mortality issuing from PURE. What is associated with mortality, and morbidity, for many reasons, is poverty, and its many henchmen: hunger, thirst, struggle, and a destitution of resources.

All of which is just a prelude to this week’s study, perhaps not generating the headlines it should. An article just published in the Annals of Internal Medicine reported health outcomes in nearly 110,000 people who had undergone cardiac risk assessment in the Cleveland Clinic Health System. The researchers applied the Pooled Cohort Equations Risk Model (PCERM) of the American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association and compared the predicted rate of cardiac events to actual occurrence.

The “punch line” in this case is just about as blunt as a literal punch to the gut: the model significantly under-predicted cardiac event rates “among patients from disadvantaged communities.”  In other words, socioeconomic disadvantage- poverty and its baggage-caused heart attacks and deaths that otherwise should not have occurred.

This is, obviously, directly germane to the massive misrepresentation of the PURE papers that were yesterday’s news. It is germane to tomorrow’s public health news, too.

The message in the much-distorted reporting of PURE, hiding in plain sight, is that the social determinants of health- the basic circumstances of our lives and environments- prevail.

One of the great, and from my perspective distracting and fairly useless debates of modern public health is whether responsibility for the prevalent ills of modern society is more personal, or public. The debate is useless in that it tends to polarize an issue best situated in the middle.

Clearly, personal responsibility for health matters. No one else can exercise for you; no one else will put food in your mouth - but for rare and rather dire circumstances. At the end of the day, what you and I do with our feet, our forks, and our fingers (e.g., holding cigarettes) is up to us.

On the other hand, how preposterous to suggest that the playing field of opportunity for health is level. Some of us have every relevant advantage, with facilities readily available for exercise year round, indoors or out, and a choice among the most nutritious foods throughout the year. Others of us live in food deserts, where streets are unsafe to walk, where a recreational facility is a parking lot frequented by gang members, and where gym membership either doesn’t exist, or is an unaffordable luxury and far lesser priority than protecting one’s kids from ambient drugs and violence. 

We have yet another reminder of the importance of such factors in a report on childhood obesity just released by the USDA. Obesity is far more common among children in overtly disadvantaged households.

Those admonishing all to make good behavioral choices may conveniently overlook that the choices any of us makes are ineluctably subordinate to the choices we have- and we simply don’t all have the same choices. That the PURE analysis overlooked this was not only a failure of Epidemiology 101; it was a nearly paradoxical failure at the human level for a study intended to help us better understand the disparities between populations with and without every modern advantage.

In their seminal paper nearly a quarter century ago, McGinnis and Foege told us of the “actual” causes of premature death in the United States, attributing nearly 80% of the total to just three lifestyle behaviors: smoking, poor diet, and lack of physical activity. For those of us in lifestyle medicine, this has been a compelling mandate all the while. But we are obligated to recall that lifestyle behaviors are the choices we make; social determinants are the choices we have. We are obligated to recall that even causes have causes. We are obligated to recall that sometimes, the best and only defense of the human body resides with the body politic.

There is much many of us can do with lifestyle choices to impact our medical destiny. But sometimes the critical matter is neither a choice we can make, nor our lipid panel, nor our genetic code. Sometimes, it’s our zip code.


David L. Katz

Director, Yale University Prevention Research Center; Griffin Hospital

Immediate Past-President, American College of Lifestyle Medicine

Senior Medical Advisor,

Founder, The True Health Initiative

Follow at: LinkedIN; Twitter; Facebook

Read at: INfluencer Blog; Huffington Post; US News & World Report; Verywell; Forbes

Christy Malone

Training Enthusiast | Content Creator

7 年

Glad to run across you, Dr. Katz, and very glad to see this topic on stage. I would have sworn that I cared very much about hunger and malnutrition, but it wasn't until my daughter began taking quarterly trips to a particular Sierra Leone orphanage and began developing real friendships with teens her age that I 'got it'. During her time in country, she knew to bring packaged food from home for protein sustenance (esp if she got sick, which was at least a few days if not more of her 2 week stays.) The orphanage can supply them with only 2 identical meals per day of rice w/sauce -- never, ever any protein. When ebola hit, freezing up the transport of food almost to a halt at times, their facebook photos revealed swollen bellies that I don't think they saw, and a goodnight call might end with a mention of "I'm so hungry." When the abstract issue of poverty and hunger had a name, face, and a voice I'd overhear, I couldn't tuck it away anymore. Sadly, I don't know that many of us in the affluent West will really 'get it' as I didn't, without seeing it more closely. But the worst thing would be to give in to those doubts and stay silent about a topic that makes us uncomfortable to embrace. This is why I say thank you again, Dr. Kutz, for using your time at the mic to give voice to that which isn't a popular, heavily-shared issue.

Dr Davie Zolowere, MD, MPH, MBA, FCPHP (ECSA)

Registrar/CEO Medical Council of Malawi

7 年

Well rounded article. Yes, even causes have a cause. As someone who lives in a developing country, truly our circumstances prevent us from having certain choices compared to most zip codes in developed countries. From your analysis, poverty is behind many poor health indicators and I cannot agree more.

Todd Rowland, MD, FAAPMR

Expert Digital Health, Investor, Advisor

7 年

Key phrase for me: "... we are obligated to recall that lifestyle behaviors are the choices we make; social determinants are the choices we have." This distinction highlights different, but connected opportunities for improvement. Todd Rowland, MD


Sr. System Analyst for Cardiology at Bon Secours Health System

7 年

Point well taken, I see it every day at the hospital I work at. I work close with the ED and Cardiology departments. Our hospital is in a low socioeconomic area. We reach out to these people in many ways from nutritional values to cardiac education. We reach out to young and old to make them aware of the value of good meal choices and the value of counting the number of calories to the number of steps taken in their daily routine. We try to touch neighborhoods and the local schools. We have become a lazy and wasteful society. We all need to get up, learn more and get moving.

Martha Hyde

Independent Scholar & Consultant in Private Industry

7 年

Dr Katz, thank you so much for speaking out. Your article is truly beautifullly expressed, especially in your distinction of the choices we make vs the choices we have. I only wish The Doctors (CBS) would speak like that. Dr. Stork's 'Lose Your Belly' book gives great recipes, but only if you earn much more than poverty level. I also have a concern with what food is available to those living in poor neighborhoods who often have to turn to food banks for getting their food. But most cities do not have enough to serve every poor neighborhood. Wose, the quality of the food is far worse. Note that most food available to them is processed/canned/boxed. When you look at the ingredients, soy oil has completely surpassed canola, safflower, and the healthy oils of olive or coconut oil as the fat-supplying ingredient. How is soy oil so bad? it is usually not organic, which means it probably has some glyphosate in it. But, take a much more threatening situation as a probable fact. Because oil is not the main ingredient, it most likely was bought from China by the producers of processed foods, where it is cheaper than oil processed in the US. US-processed oil is inspected by the USDA and has to pass more rigorous tests for contaminants than that in China. Now take another step in thought processing. China is the biggest producer of rare earth chemical elements, used in all electronics, modern lighting fixtures and other modern products. China also has enormous air, water and soil pollution, with rare earth minerals invading those spaces readily (both mining and agriculture take place in the same rural areas). It is highly likely that soy beans produced there are contaminated, and therefore a lot of soy products exported by China. One prominent rare earth element is lanthanum, which makes up a drug used on patients with renal failure. It combines readily with some pretty important micronutrients we need: calcium, boron, phosphate, selenium, iron, magnesium at above-room temperatures (e.g. our bodies). Lanthanum is used to grab the phosphate, what a normal kidney does quite well. All of these elements are critical for normal actions of repair, maintenance, transport, intercellular signalling, intracellular processing of nutrients, and clearly for muscle contraction and nerve transduction. By grabbing these elements inside blood vessels, little can enter the interstitial fluids and thus cause malnutrition in most cells in the body. No wonder there is a higher obesity rate among the poor, among other health problems! The problem of poor health among the poverty-stricken is not due to poor access to good health care, but to poor environments. So their choices are truely much more limited.



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