The Zing back!
Azim Jamal
Inspiring and empowering leaders to achieve material success blended with a deep sense of purpose, balance & happiness
Our work is an integral part of who we are, and if we are not able to feel joyous when we are at work we are probably falling short of living our true potential. Not only is joy our very state of being, it is also a touchstone of all that is going well in our lives. So let’s explore some methods that can help put the zing back into work.
? Define your mission –?The articulation of who we are, what we want in life, and how we want to lead our lives can spell the difference between dragging yourself to work every day and choosing a workplace that helps you crystalize your vision.
? Widen your circle – We spend 70% of our waking time at our workplace, so it’s only natural that we want to spend it with people we enjoy being with. However you also need to create meaningful relationships. The more you connect in life, the more you find opportunities to experience it and celebrate it.
? Treat every problem as an opportunity – Alexander Fleming, the bacteriologist, noticed that a contaminated Petri dish he had discarded contained a mold that was destroying the bacteria around it. He realized that it contained a powerful antibiotic; penicillin. That antibiotic today is credited for saving millions of lives. Every challenge or problem carries within itself the opportunity for growth. What is needed is an open mind and self-awareness. Once you decide to view every challenge as an opportunity, life begins to unfold in amazing ways.
? Help someone – The fastest way to get out of misery is to help someone. To start with, it immediately diverts attention from your own misery. Second, it enriches you by adding value to your life. Third, the other’s relief and happiness is infectious. So the next time you feel gloomy, go ahead and brighten somebody else’s day and watch your own joy grow in the process.
? Create your own special ‘Joy Ritual’ – Whether it’s having that peppermint tea at four in the afternoon, or going out for a long walk, create your own special moments to savor.
? First things first – Before you go to sleep at night, write down three priorities you would like to accomplish the next day. If you complete these three priorities the next day you will feel terrific. So try your best to do them as early as possible. Completing them will rev up your spirits for the rest of the day.
? Be in the moment – The past is no more; and the future is not yet here so make sure you live this moment with a deep awareness and joy.
Our work is an integral part of our life. Joy at work results in joy with life.