Zillion’s Melt Madness Seattle 4 Region Week 1 Results are In!

Zillion’s Melt Madness Seattle 4 Region Week 1 Results are In!

What a week it’s been for our inaugural Melt Madness! 128 brands in all, and we’ll end the week with 64 moving forward into Week 2. We don’t know about you, but we’re on the edge of our seats to share the last 8 brands moving forward.?

Our final 8 collegiate brands are stunners on many levels, representing some of the best-known universities in the country. But it’s more than name recognition which propels these brands into next week’s match-ups. It’s the ideas which give them the distinctiveness to stand out to our analysts.?

From Stanford’s “Catalyzing Discovery in Every Field” to Texas and “What Starts Here Changes the World,” there’s a strong action orientation compelling stakeholders to believe. Action orientation also elevates Gonzaga’s idea (“Raise Your Hand”) as well as Georgia’s “Inspire Those Who Will Lead, Discover and Serve. Colorado’s “Be Boulder” plays on words with strong identification to both geography and drive.

While we’ve stressed the winners’ performance, the match-up between Duke and Iona was a source of much discussion and debate among our analysts. While Duke ultimately won out, Iona’s idea “Learn Outside the Lines” captured the authenticity of their experience. The scoring difference resulted from a lack of broader stakeholder appeal, though our analysts were united in their appreciation for both teams.?

What will next week hold? Our analysts are hard at work considering the pairings–what are they getting right? What are they missing? Let us know in the comments.?

One thing’s for certain: we’ll be back next week with more Melt Madness!

Share, engage and follow #zillionagency – see you next week when we reveal which higher ed brands drive for the top of the standings!

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