Zillionaire Zech
Anisha Joel Wordsmith
Wife ? Mother ? Chief Creative Officer @ steadfastthoughts.com
Back when I was in college, I strung together the anatomy of a vision for my life. I knew I wanted to make it materially larger than most people could imagine.
I wanted to be a (Billionaire in dollars) before I was 25.
Visuals of making it to the highest known peaking status in human civilization had me shook and ready to conquer with wheezing lungs, because I suffered from breathing troubles in my infancy and adolescence.
The Billion kept inching closer and closer to me, but instead of my eyes being lit up in my first corporate experience, that brought me face to face with the scent of money, I was rather disgusted.
I was told, “Joel, to be a billionaire - it’s all about who you know…”
In my head at the time, I didn’t have the discerning lens to read through the ambiguity, I didn’t think it meant compromise on any moral fiber you may have in your soul, for this castle of dung, stinky money.
Through an eclectic panel of fools, I learnt where money entered, integrity exited.
Where money entered, remorse went for a hike.
Where money entered, troubles mounted.
I was 20-21. I was just integrating myself in the world of physical currency, yet I was getting dimmer like an ancient light bulb.
My wife was the only thing (and person, lol), I decided to walk out with from that Rigged Tub of Bloody vipers and leeches.
Both Anisha and I pondered over that response and thought, if that's the case, if knowing the right one would mean we make it in life... why not get to know THE CREATOR of all things?!
Eventually, as you will read, it was He who was going to be breaking the facade of this secure haven of cash, that I was planning to use as my fortress, by unravelling the surface level yet well concealed deception tricks of these baboons, and I couldn’t be more thankful.
Check BusinessAsUnusual (...and a dozen posts on Thought Files on steadfastthoughts.com) for a gradient view of this same line of thought.
Now, without taking you through the cliché path of a "rigged corporate chase"...
I want to get your focus, to procure the right thing.
Which is… as simplistic as it may sound...
Complete Freedom + Complete Autonomy= Complete Immunity
It’s your freewill you must retain, as I unraveled this bitter part of the orange seed of affluence.
The bigger the billions, the bigger the slave.
It applies to any deceptive cash from a deceptive source, who seeks more than just your servitude.
They aspire to be nothing less than a puppet master in exchange for least of their accursed cash that they can procure back at any time.
Your Bank account isn’t immune, neither are you in control of your will, 'cause this megalomaniac wants to call the shots in your life and you’ll be cheated in your pursuit of acquiring wisdom and autonomy.
The commonplace deal on the table that the perceived winners/puppets you see, have actually signed on to.
To illustrate and dissect this complex deal with many whispering terms and conditions:
It's like an adult giving an iPhone 15 Pro in the hands of an unsuspecting toddler. But with amped up security locks on it. It’s the most heavily jacked-up phone with security layers only the adult is aware of, so much so, that even to unlock the device, the kiddo would need the adult to do it for him.
So is the nature of this deal.
Where the front/puppet can’t access the transacted cash, without the will of his “Handler” that he or she reports to. And as you can already gauge, the handler doesn’t seem like your "friendly neighborhood spiderman".
Rather he’s busy weaving a web to entrap the puppet’s foot into, once the handler has satiated and double crossed his or her sinister objectives.
Thus, the many fronts/famous CEO’s being incarcerated, imprisoned and trialed these days. Taking the fall for the Corporate Pimps and thugs hiding under their bunkers using their puppets as shields to sustain themselves in their position.
Now don’t be pissed off with me if it sounds too complicated, as it pisses me off to break down the anatomy of the anonymous thieves - Mr. X.
A lot of obfuscation by the money laundering Mr. X on the reported news to conceal fine details you’d surely miss.
Satirical and power-crazy individuals are like the signals on a sinister street.
If you wait and hear what this knuckle head has to say, he might just enchant you into selling yourself very short by his profuse ability at lying just to close a poor deal for you.
You might discover the fraudulence and hollowness of the Wannabe-Man-God masquerading as a "billionaire".
That Mr. Nobody that just offered you "Nothing" but took all you had in return, laughing his way to the bank.
All you... “innocent and still in the process of learning”, do not budge - despite the ubiquitous stature and image of any human being.
In this world, there are 2 people who get big.
1. The Obedient to the Creator (The ones affecting and influencing others for good)
- Path of enduring fruit and longevity, The Torah obedient. The path for a chosen wisdom-fueled few.
2. The Back-Stabbing Deceitful Knife?(The ones affecting and influencing others for the nauseous worst)
- Knifed through many backs for any sort of a momentary burst of success. Rubbish and fleeting kind of success. The rubbish most strewn and strolled path, chosen by many.
So, articulating and reducing complex codes to a granule, the eyes of wisdom are a gift and if you look clearly, the one’s with all the pomp and splendor on TV...
Are fronts and Puppets to the one’s behind.
The One’s who take the fall for notorious banking scams and swindling businesses...
Are Puppets to the one's behind.
The fronts or puppets are stakeholders too, don’t get me wrong.. but wasn’t that the part you and I were unknowingly auditioning for???
There’s no absolute power over the strings. The puppet masters keep being replaced as the sun replaces the moon, in time.
This Life, is a Test.
A simple Test. A test of morality. A test of Torah keeping.
A test to glance beyond these shadowy illusions, a test to see beyond the fog, beyond the headlamps aiming straight at you with great allure.
A test to know the Creator is the ultimate power center and in the Truth of Time, this puppetry, masonry is a fleeting blip, that has its purpose in the test beyond our wisdom can fathom
A little shout out:
To that perverse looking steeple handsign sported by many a puppets and imitated by many a gullible.
Handsigns, hidden handshakes, gestures, gestation and any other freakishly absurd looking mudras better be away from a person's line of vision.
It's hideous appearance gets me to crack up and laugh within my face, if you know what I mean?
No power, only perversion in it's appearance.
So, keep Torah, Pursue Freedom.
Be a Zillionaire. Be Immune to the Puppetry to a greater degree than the average folk.
As they say.. you got to serve somebody?
So why not Serve the Creator Most High, the One True God, He obviously knows a thing or two about the universe “He” Created, including "the us and the animals."
He will keep us secure in a blazing hedge of a protective fire warding off the momentary megalomaniacs seeking control for sinister purposes.
He shall govern our paths and promote us to higher peaks.
He shall also take us through the valley of death, but hold us in his endearing embrace.
I’m a Zillionaire, with this magnanimous Creator who plagues Israel’s influential enemies inching closer to consume and devour.
I’m autonomous, free and content.. in the process of bring the hypocritical and backhanded system of the urban world to the ground.
I do whatever I want, whenever I want and however I want.
On my terms, in jurisdiction of my freewill within the Torah.
My authority supersedes that of a fleeting and phony billionaire, here today gone tomorrow.
And I can't lie, there were loads of foul mouths of Naysayers that at times I wanted to push some new expensive shoes to their nose with their mouths, to shut the gutter in their face.
But, selling my Fair Shot at Freewill wasn't worth the gutter in many a faces.
A humiliating slipper or two as I go, shall do just fine. Hahaha.
I don't need to take a rubbish Money/Slavery deal to prove anything to a knuckle head, right?
Isn't that all part of the coercive method, to get me to sign on to a bad deal for myself?
Hold strong, and the mouths won't be yapping too long.
Now, without further ado...
Passing this Zillion-Dollar Cheque.
Pursue the Creator. Pursue Autonomy. Pursue True Life beyond the frills.
The Torah is the only path of immunity.
Any other path, I do not know.
Poem title:
Zillionaire Zech
I’ve been pondering this day...
How to evade the bells that sway?
This crimson red warm fuzzy deception,
Piercingly smiling a deceitful net they lay.
I was 20 as I left home,
My dreams bigger than my head;
I learnt the bitter truth about vanity,
All I ever needed was a roof with a cotton bed.
Know what you’ wish to fight for,
For my Creator and fam I must die for.
In this fleeting experience of a circuitous life,
Calibrating the wise dart bullseye for.
The puppet masters left paralyzed,
The superficiality of money did I realize,
Thankfully their masks fell off,
I could see beyond their pleasantries and disguise.
The poorly designed transaction,
Could make you a slave for life.
This ain’t no video game, mate,
Protect your freewill with a discerning knife.
I live the part within my scope,
The rest, in the Creator do I hope.
Free falling from a esoteric cliff,
The Creator my infallible harness and rope.
I’m Zillionaire Zech
It’s Mr.pleasure to meet you.
The Freewill is all Mine, I’m good.
Let Mr. Pleasure Keep you.