Zigzagging to success is okay
Gabriella Horak
? Trusted Executive Advisor & Coach | ? Team Alignment & Culture Specialist | ? DiSC Preferred Supplier | ? Empowering Leaders to Drive Transformative Change
Whether you are building a business, part of a large organisation, a family or building your own Success Culture, success doesn’t come in a straight line.
We may draw a timeline for our plans of success, and time is definitely a straight line, that doesn’t change, we all have the same amount but how we achieve success and what we perceive as successful comes as a zigzag. You and I should most definitely embrace the zigzag.
Zigzagging your way to the top (or to success) is okay.
In fact, it’s life. Some things work some don't but the key here is not to give up. It’s to keep zigging and zagging until you get to where you want to be. The stress, the pressure, the uncertainty can be off-putting but the feeling of accomplishment as you inch your way to your success as you zig and zag will be undeniably worth it.
The thing with success is that we don't always document our journey of zigging and zagging the good and the bad, we forget the small incremental successes yet the failures seem to be magnified.
One way I document my zigging and zagging is by writing down daily the things that worked. The things that made my day a pleasure (and yes it’s a struggle some days to think of those things) but instead of only focussing on the ‘lessons’ I get to focus on the good stuff too.
A SuccessCulture Challenge
1) Each day, spend 1 minute - yes just 1 minute - write down your zigs and zags for the day
2) Do it for a week (3 is better)
3) At the end of the week, or three, read back what you achieved, or what made each of your days great.
I use this little book every day and love it! The Five Minute Journal.
Here’s to zigging and zagging your way to a success culture in your life, work, with your family and friends or most importantly, for you.
Much gratitude.
Gab x